Monday, December 02, 2019

"comeuppance thy time is now."

Sundance writes in part in the Conservative Treehouse,
The synergy, flow and timing of the U.S. trade and economic team is just a marvel; a brilliant assembly of perfectly in-tune economic and trade professionals.

As President Trump touched down in the U.K. to attend the two-day NATO summit, United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announces the completion of a Section 301 review of France’s Digital Services Tax (DST).

After determining the value of the French tax on U.S. internet services at $2.4 billion; Lighthizer announces a 100% countervailing duty on a carefully selected $2.4 billion in French imports.

Obviously, the agenda for the bilateral NATO meeting between U.S. President Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron just changed. LOL, you have to love Team USA.
Read more here.

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