Thursday, December 20, 2018

Who are we? What do we believe?

Andrew shows a video of Donald Trump talking about leaving Syria in honor of the soldiers who fought there. Andrew said the video made him gag. Andrew plays a video of Senator Lindsey Graham talking about the fact that by leaving Syria we put the Kurds in jeopardy.

Andrew says "We don't know who we are on the world stage. We have two thousand troops there and Andrew thinks it is a mistake to bring them home. "We are the big dog for freedom." "Once we're there holding up the roof, we shouldn't let it cave in." I wonder if Jim Mattis agrees with Andrew. His resignation happened after Andrew taped this podcast.

D.J. Jaffe is Andrew's guest. He has written about how the mental health industry fails the mentally ill. The most mentally ill are the least likely to get treatment. The least mentally ill are the ones who get treated by the mental health industry. The most seriously mentally ill are the ones most likely to become violent, homeless, arrested, and incarcerated and the least likely to be treated. The bulk of the most seriously mentally ill are schizophrenics and bi-polar, neither of which can be prevented. But in California they are allocating money to prevention!

What can we hand over to God for joy? Politics is nothing compared to the song of salvation! Do you know the carol entitled Jesus Christ the Apple Tree? I had never heard it. Here is a rendition by Colorado Christian University.

Who are we? We are beloved children of God who have been bought with a price and we are free men and women forever!

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