Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Trump hints at punitive sanctions, Mexico halts the caravan

Here, from the Ace of Spades blog, is JJ Sefton's morning report.
Good morning kids. The big story this Tuesday is that the Mexican government is going to halt the so-called "caravan" of migrants heading for our border, potentially sending them back from whence they came. Perhaps it's merely coincidence but it comes after yet another dreaded or loved (depending on your viewpoint) PDT Tweet-strom in which he ripped the Democrats, Obama, announced that DACA is dead and hinted at punitive sanctions against the Mexican and other Central American governments. This incident is illustrative of why the President is now at the 50% approval in the Rasmussen poll. Love him or hate him on a personal level, on a presidential level he is getting things done, despite perhaps missteps along the way, a hostile Congress, rogue judges and an insurrectionist/insubordinate bureaucracy. Keep up the pressure, Mr. President.

Continuing with the immigration and amnesty category this morning, just where did this group "Pueblos Sin Fronteras" or People Without Borders come from? Well, if you guessed a convicted felon and Nazi collaborator, you guessed right. In any case, if you read this group's list of demands, they're only slightly more radical than the official Democrat Party Platform. And speaking of which, Keith "X" Ellison is longing for the days of the Black Panthers, even copping to being a former member; he thinks their memory as well as their tactics should be invoked for the 2018 midterms. But I digress. Lastly, Mark Levin reminds us once again that Democrat-Leftist hero Cesar Chavez was virulently anti-illegal alien - an inconvenient truth as it were that the Leftists sweep under the rug.

On to the Second Amendment, where Fox News has grown a pair and is standing by Laura Ingraham, calling out Camera Hogg and Shaved Guevara for their goon tactics (or at least being the willing puppets for the adults really calling the shots). And, as we are all well aware, the Kommie Kiddie Krusade is organized, funded and controlled by the adults. And when I say funded, I refer you yet again to the a convicted felon and Nazi collaborator. Daniel Greenfield lays it out expertly, and here's a pull quote:

Marketing leftist youth radicalism to corporate power isn't new. But this assault on our civil rights is.
After Trump won, the left retreated from controlling us through elected offices to controlling us through unelected offices. Federal judges, the FBI, the media and major corporate monopolies have been pitted against the elected officials who represent the will of the people.

This is the civil war we are now in. March for Our Lives is not a youth movement, it's another means that aging leftists are using to divide and control us. Theirs is not the voice of a new generation, but of a discredited 19th century ideology.

On the phony global warming front, the preliminary hearing took place in San Francisco yesterday for the massive trial against the oil companies, but it did not go as planned for the Marxists. In fact, the judge shredded the entire basis of their case, a so-called "smoking gun" that allegedly showed big oil knew it was destroying the environment and killing people, when all it was was a regurgitated press release from the execrable UN IPCC. Rush covered this thoroughly yesterday (link here for transcript), Meanwhile, as the Left tries to destroy Scott Pruitt over alleged misconduct about renting a room from a lobbyist (click here), the EPA chief just scrapped Obama's insane automobile fuel standards. More please.

Lastly, we note the passing yesterday of award-winning TV producer Steven Bochco, who gave us such shows as "Hill Street Blues," "L.A. Law" and "NYPD Blue" which dominated the TV landscape for much of the 80s and into the 90s. RIP
Go here to see the articles to which he links.

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