Thursday, December 21, 2017

Twitter tidbits, "500,000 dead Syrians were unavailable for comment."

As Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell posed with thumbs up, Dan Pfeiffer tweeted,
I hope this is the photo they use on the front page of the Times on the day Trump is indicted

Obama accomplice failed novelist Ben Rhodes added,
And alongside the obits for Ryan, McConnell, and Pence

Someone who got shot seven times by a leftwinger deranged by the Media-Democrat Complex's paranoid and lunatic rhetoric found fault with Mr. Failed Novelist. Steve Scalise tweeted,
You may want to reconsider your rhetoric.

Hat tip Ace of Spades, who writes,
If you've forgotten the Steve Scalise shooting, well, the media's goal of airbrushing it completely from the record and the minds of the American public has worked.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., tweeted: "Time to investigate high ranking Obama government officials who might have colluded to prevent the election of @realDonaldTrump!"

The Hill tweeted,
Obama national security adviser warns: US will lose its moral authority under Trump

Omri Ceren responded,
500,000 dead Syrians were unavailable for comment.

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