Thursday, November 02, 2017

Why learn from the past and grapple with reality?

Why must any American die to satisfy the liberal dogma of diversity? President Trump wants to end the diversity visa program and chain migration (when the New York killer won the diversity lottery he started a chain migration process that brought in 23 more people). The Left wants to demonize him. New York Governor Cuomo wanted to talk about assault weapons (does he not know the killer used a pickup truck from Home Depot)?

Senator Perdue from Georgia is co-sponsor with Senator Cotton of Arkansas of the Raise Act, which would end the diversity program and make immigration be based on merit, as Trump is calling for. Perdue says that 30% of the people coming into our country from the diversity lottery come from countries ICE has identified as countries that are harboring and promoting terrorism. The diversity program sponsors were Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer, and their bill was signed into law in 1990 by George H.W. Bush! Over 900,000 people a year are coming in through the chain migration program.

Laura has a guest named Scott Bolden who was the Chairman of the Democratic Party in D.C. He claims the New York City murderer assimilated! Laura jumps all over him! Another guest is the mighty Brigitte Gabriel of Act America. Bolden does the Juan Williams thing of interrupting her, but Brigitte is having none of it and makes him shut up! She comes from Israel, where they use human intelligence to profile people. He keeps on interrupting her with sarcasm. Brigitte: 80% of terrorism in the US is coming from 2% of the US population! 1000 ISIS related wannabe terrorists are being investigated right now in the United States.

Laura has an exclusive interview with Clarence Thomas for whom she clerked twenty-some years ago. Thomas has a wonderful laugh. "I have a long history of being told what to do, he laughs!" How do you describe your philosophy, Justice? "Get it right!" He wants his reasoning to be accessible to regular people. He is a huge Nebraska fan, of the volleyball team! Don't backwash the outcomes we want into the process of decision-making!

She goes back to his confirmation hearing 28 years ago when he said, "I will not provide the rope for my own lynching!" Laura asked him if it was worth it. He tells her he believes he was called to do it. "No one would choose to go through unpleasantness but if it has to be that way to do what is right, then so be it!"

He talks about being exposed to a "wonderful range of ideas" in a segregated library in Savannah, Georgia. He laments that we as a society are getting comfortable limiting the range of ideas our kids are exposed to! He grew up in Savannah "with people who had been through quite a bit, yet who had a calmness and contentment about life." Now we can't permit opinions that make us uncomfortable or that we don't agree with! His grandfather would always say, "Old man can't is dead. I helped buy him!"

"Raising kids is a humbling process, and it gets increasingly humbling as they get older!" (Amen!)

"What binds us? What do we all have in common any more?" "Some people have decided that the Constitution, the culture, the principles, the history isn't worth defending." But that is exactly what keeps him going!

Oh yeah, and tonight's show? President Trump, just before he leaves on a 12 day trip to Asia!

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