Saturday, November 04, 2017

Three and one-half tootsie rolls for $100 million dollars!

October 31 was the quincentennial of Martin Luther posting his 95 theses. Will Muslims have a similar reformation? Mark is afraid they already had it: hardcore one world jihadism is already it! To Muslims the Christian reformation seems like a euphemism for the dissolution of faith. They don't want it to happen to Islam. Martin Luther didn't like the indulgences, buying your way out of sin. He argued for repentance. Many mosques are spiritually empty, as were the churches Martin Luther criticized 500 years ago. These spiritually empty mosques are all about advancing Islamic supremacy throughout the world.

Mark says we take the view that it is immoral to distinguish between any of the 200 countries of the world. He calls it a western psychosis; that we are not allowed to reach judgments about which immigrants are most compatible with our society.

He also has a segment on identity politics and how it is now getting into the judicial system, thereby destroying one of the bedrock liberties of a free society, which is equality before the law. We're moving into a world of judicial cultural relativism.

Who does Mark dress up as for Halloween? Jeb Bush! He raises 100 million dollars from a Halloween superpac, goes trick or treating, and he comes back with three and one-half tootsie rolls for 100 million dollars.

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