Monday, October 02, 2017

Las Vegas massacre, White House Press Briefing, North Korea,

So, was he or was he not affiliated with ISIS? The FBI will be trying to determine what affiliations the shooter may have had.

The press is asking what gun control laws should be looked at. Sarah Huckabee Sanders cites Chicago with the highest murder rate in the country and the strictest gun control laws in the country. Hello?

How would you like to have Sarah's job? Especially when Trump says such "out there" stuff?

North Korea? The only thing the US is willing to talk with them about is the three Americans still detained there. Plus this from Sarah: "There is a difference between talking and putting diplomatic pressure!"

Did you see the woman sitting next to John Roberts at the press briefing? Three times Sarah tried to recognize someone named Stephen, but the woman kept asking more questions, trying to get Sarah to explain Trump.

A reporter tells Sarah that Hillary Clinton is tweeting about gun control and silencers. Sarah's response: we need to know more facts before we can advocate specific solutions.

At about the 27 or 28 minute mark in this video, Sarah reads an emotional statement quoting from the gospel of John. Have some Kleenex handy.

Ari Fleisher points out that it has been illegal for decades to have automatic rifles.

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