Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The rise of Donald Trump

Kurt Schlicter was asked by a German publication to write about the rise of Donald Trump.Here is an excerpt.
Trump’s rise is often falsely attributed to convenient explanations like racism or ignorance or some alleged deep-seated American desire for an authoritarian leader. But these explanations ignore the facts and instead cater to the observers’ prejudices and preferences. It is much easier to dismiss as mere racism the complex and very real issues of immigration and its consequences – consequences that are experienced very differently by the elite, which unreservedly benefits from immigration, and by the rest of the country that pays the price in crime and social disruption.

That the media, an elite institution, either ignores or misrepresents the concerns of those who now support Trump increases their frustration. Belittled and ignored, Trump’s supporters had until now been prevented from having their concerns considered and acted upon by the political elite via legitimate channels. The insurgent Trump reflects a semi-legitimate channel – he (like Bernie Sanders) is, for now, still operating within the traditional party structure. But regardless, Trump’s supporters are no longer going to be silent. If their voices are not heard in 2016, their next champion may rise entirely outside of legitimate channels. And then the American political paradigm will truly shift.
Read more here.

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