Thursday, August 04, 2016

How will a fed-up public vote?

Victor Davis Hanson writes at Right Wing News,
Now, even seasoned politicos confess there are no rules that apply to Donald Trump. He just keeps shouting that things are getting worse and no one will admit it.

We live in a politically correct age in which President Obama is unable or unwilling to mention radical Islamists as the terrorists who have killed hundreds in Europe and the United States.

No one dares suggest that the more than 300 sanctuary cities in the U.S. are a rebirth of the illiberal and neo-Confederate idea of nullification of federal law. Black Lives Matter is idealized as a civil rights group despite the chants at its protests about violence toward police.

Doubling the national debt to nearly $20 trillion in just eight years is regarded as no big deal.

The public is growing tired of two realities: the one they see and hear each day, and the official version that has nothing to do with their perceptions.

Trump comes along with a ball and chain and throws it right into the elite filtering screen — and the public cheers as the fragile glass explodes.

If most politicians are going to deceive, voters apparently prefer raw and uncooked deception rather than the usual seasoned and spiced dishonesty.

Will Trump fade in August, implode in September, self-destruct in October — or win in November?

No one knows. There are no longer rules to predict how a fed-up public will vote. And there has never been a postmodern candidate like Donald J. Trump.
Read more here.

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