Monday, August 08, 2016

Hillary Clinton's health should be an issue in this campaign

This photo made the rounds of the internet yesterday. I wanted to find out when and where it was taken. After going to Reuters, which took the photo, and several other sites that had the photo, I finally found this by Patrick Howley at Breitbart:
Reuters and Getty photographs captured Hillary Clinton, 68, struggling to make it up the stairs, either as a result of her fragile body or perhaps because her well-documented brain injuries make it harder for her to transport herself through daily life activities. The photos gained wide circulation on the Internet Sunday. The photos were taken in February as Clinton was campaigning in South Carolina.

Breitbart News has extensively reported on Clinton’s various health problems, including what could be a lingering brain condition that appeared after she suffered a blood cot.

Donald Trump is hammering Clinton for “short-circuiting” when she had to answer questions about her private email scandal, which she clearly did not answer truthfully.

Breitbart’s Alex Swoyer reported in January:

Clinton’s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.

These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.

All that said, however, Clinton’s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States.

Clinton previously fell on the stairs in 2011:

She also fell in 2009 on the way to a White House meeting.

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