Tuesday, July 05, 2016

The fix was in, and has been all along.

The Clintons are not criminal, just sloppy! Michael Walsh writes in PJ Media,
And so once again the leading crime family in America skates, thumbing its nose at the rule of law as an earnest but politically clueless FBI director stands before the nation to repeat the well-worn Clinton mantra of "insufficient evidence," and to attribute to Hillary another shopworn cliche that the Clintons habitually use in their defense: sloppiness.

Never mind that the woman was Secretary of State, for God's sake, not some pencil-pushing bureaucrat toiling away in the bowels of Foggy Bottom. Secretary of State is the most distinguished cabinet position in the government, a honor generally bestowed by responsible presidents on their most trusted and able advisors. But, as it turns out, for Mrs. Clinton it was simply a resume-enhancer and if she had to let four Americans die at Benghazi at her boss's behest in order to get her ticket punched, well, politics ain't beanbag.

...Hillary and Obama, all smiles, out campaigning together this very day. The events of the past week would give any rational person sufficient grounds to believe that the fix was in, and has been all along.

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