Saturday, June 11, 2016

The presumptive nominees

Goldberg notes that it is ironic that Hillary Clinton has become the presumptive nominee of the Democrats
at the precise moment we’re being told that biological sexual categories are just another way for the evil patriarchs of the Pale Penis People to keep everyone down. Maybe Donald Trump should declare he’ll be the first woman president, too?
Unlike Obama in 2008, Hillary is
a known quantity, love her or hate her. She is like one of her husband’s cold sores; she’s been in plain sight for decades.

...She’s boring, paranoid, corrupt, and deceitful. If she had never been a martyr to her husband’s pants, she’d never be within striking distance of being president. Spare me the talk about how in private she’s so charming and wonderful. She’s had over 30 years to pull the curtain back and show how great the real Mrs. Oz is. Instead she laughs like a broken animatronic pirate at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride every time she’s asked about the -- alleged -- felonies she’s committed.

But let no one say they aren’t excited that she’s a woman.

And, what of the presumptive nominee of the Republicans?
As of a year ago, it would have seemed like a lost cause for those who yearned for a thrice-married, short-fingered vulgarian statist huckster from New York City to take over the GOP and rally the support of anonymous Straussian luminaries. Now look where we are!
Read more here.

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