Friday, June 10, 2016

Should the U.S. hand the internet over to those who do not value freedom or individual rights?

Investors Business Daily reports,
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (You wondered what he was up to since he stopped his campaign? Now you know.) and Wisconsin Sen. Sean Duffy have introduced a bill to halt transferring the internet domain name system away from the U.S. government unless Congress explicitly authorizes it.

...Cruz put it best in a prescient op-ed written three years ago:

“The likes of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Chinese President Xi Jinping should not dictate what can be read, written, distributed, bought and sold on the internet,” the former presidential candidate wrote. “Countries that do not give their own people the right to speak freely deserve no say in what Americans can say and do on the internet.”
Read more here.

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