Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Let's roll, or let's roll over and play dead?

Andy at Ace of Spades writes about the Orlando massacre,
...when faced with a similar problem, the actual founding fathers sent in the Navy and the Marines. Now the president's first reaction is to attack his own citizens' exercise of their civil rights rather than naming the enemy.

The Pulse nightclub timeline strikingly features a gap of several hours after the shooting started in which people were held hostage inside by a lone gunman who was, at times, talking on the phone. The signals being sent by politicians and popular culture -- put down your guns, "shelter in place", worry more about using the right pronoun than the guy screaming "Allahu Akbar!" -- have tragic effects every time they come into contact with the real-world.

I'm not sure how we managed this, but we've seemingly regressed as a nation from confronting Islamic terrorism with "let's roll" to "let's roll over and play dead". This will not end well.
Read more here.

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