Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Benefits of using at least a little bit of truth

Sarah Hoyt asks,
Would we ever have known about the events on New Years in Cologne without the new media? I doubt it. Even now, that the same events happened in other cities of Northern Europe is only SLOWLY trickling out.

But it is trickling out. It’s coming out before the eyes of the world. And it can’t be stopped. People were there, and people are talking.

The reactions of not only those in power, but the opinion makers, meanwhile, are completely insane.

One of Germany’s bureaucrats admitted that yes, this was caused by a bunch of unassimilated Arab males, that it was obviously coordinated, but then went on to sneer that it was all somehow the fault of “right wingers.”

What he’s doing makes sense in his world, just like the roll left of magazines and newspapers used to make sense. You do what you have to do to attain the next level of the ladder. And if he came out in public and said there seemed to be a coordinated “rape Jihad” going on without also saying that “racism” or the “right wing” were worse he’d not have a career left. Or at least, not in the short term.

It is rather telling that Germany turned the water cannons and gas on their own nationals protesting rape that they couldn’t be bothered to turn on the people actually doing the rape.

And there is no way to keep the news quiet. There is no way to allow for that uniformity of narrative that — in that past — made the craziest stuff stick.

And the problem is that the German minister was right on both counts. First of all, yep, this obviously was organized across several countries. (The alternative is to assume that whenever sufficient Muslim males are together, at any given time, on a city street, massive rape ensues. And yes, I’ve heard stories, but sorry, not on this scale.) And yes, this obviously will create an opening for the right wing. Here’s the problem, the establishment is misidentifying the right wing or at least the right wing that will cause trouble.

The right wing that will be trouble are not those saying that this is a rape Jihad, that some of the Muslims admitted are trouble, that more effort needs to be made to stop the criminal elements (and send them back, if needed) and to make people who came in understand if they want to stay in Germany they have to assimilate. Despite the cries of the establishment, one of the greatest proponents of assimilation in Germany is Turkish in origin and is one of the people that the sane persons listen to.

No, the problem is THE OTHER right wing, who aren’t actually often “right” in anything but nationalism.

These are the people who, like Hitler, will come in when the sane opposition has been silenced with water cannons and tear gas and tell you a little bit of truth and use that to build their absolutely crazy cakes, outlandish theories on.

We’re seeing this in the United States with Trump. Maybe Trump will turn out (somehow) to be a pragmatic ruler, but make no mistake, he will be a RULER, not a leader, because he has no concept of limits or of individual rights. His concept is of socialism, only more national. But people here are so tired of being told that the United States is the worst thing ever, when they see it isn’t, that they are willing to accept even an outright socialist, if he’ll just assure them they’re not going crazy and they’re not evil for loving their country.

He doesn’t try to get them to believe completely insane and observable lies like that fighting “climate change” is a rebuke to terrorists, or that what we really need to protect ourselves against terrorists is to disarm law abiding citizens. And so Trump, though a lot of his ideas are completely insane, benefits from using truth. At least a little bit of truth. And it’s likely he’ll get elected on the strength of it.

I’ve made my peace with this. By tamping down on everyone sane who tried to point out they were out of control, the left has created Trump. And if they think he’ll deal fairly with them, they haven’t taken the measure of the man. They will not only lose control, but their favorite weapons of control, of calling someone “racist and sexist” and all the other stuff that silenced the reasonable people? That’s done away with. And Trump really only cares about one thing, and that’s Trump, so if being racist or sexist suits him, he’ll do just that. Hold on to your hats, boys and girls, it’s going to be a wild ride.

...Truth and reality can’t be kept at bay forever.

And what can’t go on won’t.
Read more here.

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