Saturday, January 02, 2016

2015: The year that debunked the War on Women meme

Heather Robinson writes in the New York Post that 2015 was the year that debunked the War on Women meme.

For asking him tough questions at the first GOP debate in August — including about his disrespectful remarks about women — Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly sustained a nasty, public series of insults from Donald Trump. Trump seemed determined to press Kelly into the role of polite hostess rather than respecting her role as a political journalist whose first professional obligation is to her viewers — including other women.

Refusing to apologize for doing her job, Kelly isn’t just surviving but thriving: In August, her nightly news show, “The Kelly File,” was the highest-rated cable news show on TV.

...And of course, no roundup of women newsmakers in 2015 would be complete without mention of Caitlin Jenner. (And hey, when a world-famous male Olympic champion decides he wants to become one of us, how bad can being an American woman in 2016 really be?)
Read more here.

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