Friday, October 16, 2015

Liberal arts failures

You thought Harvard University was one of the best universities in America? Think again! Greg Piper at the College Fix brings us a report
by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in a new report and rating system, What Will They Learn?

ACTA says in a press release today that only 24 schools out of 1,100 examined received its “A” grade. Their graduation requirements include

at least six of seven subjects that are essential to a liberal arts education: literature, composition, economics, math, intermediate-level foreign language, science and American government/history.

Though the report doesn’t explicitly list the biggest failures, it identifies the University of California-Berkeley and Brown University as Fs in the FAQ section, explaining why they were outdone by Kennesaw State and Gardener-Webb, which both got As.

Those 24 schools are heavy on Catholic and evangelical colleges, including Baylor, Jerry Falwell’s Regent, Pepperdine and two St. John’s. They are described at length as "Hidden Gems."

Read more here.

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