Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Stop requiring clerks to put their names on marriage licenses

The biggest story here in the United States has been the jailing of Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who does not want her name to be on marriage licenses issued to gay couples. I heard Glenn Beck discussing it with his partners, Pat and Stu, yesterday. They were making a lot of really good points, including questioning why the government has any business being in the marriage business in the first place.

Glenn was explaining the concept of different levels of laws that govern us. He said the highest law is God's law, which atheists might prefer to call Nature's law. He also talked about our inalienable right to practice our religion.

They brought up another point: If Kim Davis is to be thrown in jail for refusing to sign marriage certificates, why are not the mayors of sanctuary cities thrown in jail for refusing to follow federal laws? Why is Barack Obama not thrown in jail for not following federal immigration laws, or even his own health care law? Glenn, Pat and Stu were not advocating those things, but simply putting the whole Kim Davis thing in perspective.

Although I think Glenn, Pat, and Stu spend too much time being sarcastic, I respect Glenn's activism in support of the founding principles of our country and the moral stands he takes for things like #All Lives Matter.

A solution to the Kentucky problem? Stop requiring clerks to put their names on marriage licenses!

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