Sunday, September 06, 2015


Adrienne writes at Adrienne's Corner about the Planned Parenthood videos.
hat there are people who continue to defend this leaves me both outraged and sad. I even have "Catholic" relatives who think this is just fine, since it would be silly and wasteful to just throw away all these little baby parts instead of using them for something "good." The "good" part, of course, refers to medical research that would possibly enhance their lives at the expense of the willful murder of another human.

People who think like this have neither morals or any firm grasp of ethics.

Let me help them out.

The reason these people are able to shrug their shoulders and say, "So what?", after seeing these videos is they don't believe that the act of abortion is wrong. They view it only as a "woman's choice and right" to kill her child. Therefore, the marketing of these aborted baby parts is viewed as a good thing since, well, what the heck - they're going to kill the kid anyway, so let's use the leftovers for research.

If, as the abortion cheerleaders like to say, "It's just a clump of cells", why are these people talking about livers, brains, and intact fetuses? Last I checked, these parts belong to humans. And certainly, an intact fetus equipped with all these parts is not a "clump of cells."
read more here.

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