Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Ramifications of the Obamacare debacle

Here is a blog post that tries to understand the ramifications of the Obamacare debacle. If you go to the blog, there is a flow chart which is hard to see. If you type Ctrl and + several times the print becomes more readable, and it is worth reading. Or, you can just click on the flow chart image. The blogger's name is Keith Hennessey. Hennessey concludes that ideologically Obamacare has weakened the argument for the long term case for the expanded role of government. Politically, Obamacare has increased the electoral risk to Cngressional Democrats. Policy-wise it has increased the chances for repealing or changing Obamacare.

Does it matter if the President of the United States lies repeatedly to American citizens? Yes, it weakens Obama with many Americans.

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