Monday, January 16, 2012

Practice what you preach, Newt!

I just finished listening to an audio book by Newt Gingrich and his daughter, Jackie, Five Principles for a Successful Life. The book is read by his wife Callista, who has an absolutely great voice, with Newt and Jackie also participating in the reading. It is a good book, with sound ideas on how to live a successful life.  Too bad Newt didn't listen to his own advice, about staying positive, when it came time to battle Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination for President this year.  In the book Jackie brags about how her father is able to rest and "go to his happy place" with brief naps, then perform articulately under pressure. Maybe he should have done that, instead of attacking Romney's career in capitalism.

However, I like Gingrich's independent thinking. Compared to Romney, Newt comes across as a real person with flaws just like the rest of us. It would be a wild ride with him as President, but not boring.

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