Friday, May 18, 2018


The 17-year-old teen who murdered ten people and injured ten more at a high school in Texas is in custody tonight. Two others are being questioned to see if they have any culpability or insight. Gov. Abbott said they have found writings on the gunman's social media indicating he planned to do this but also planned on ending his own life. He is critically injured, but is still alive. Did he have zero followers on social media? If anyone saw his threats but did not tell anyone, that is disgusting!

He got the guns from his parents! He is trending on Twitter! In South Texas, he wore a trench coat every day (like the Columbine killers). Students say they expected it to happen. They were scared, but not surprised.

Richard, sitting in Juan's chair, is even more adamantly sure of himself than Juan! He wants to make sure that poor women know they have the option to abort! Trump took action today to make sure that federal funds are not used to refer women to abortion clinics. Richard says if you are for small government you should be against this move. Greg counters, if you are for small babies, you should want to make sure their lives are protected.

On Trump's "animals" comment about MS 13, Richard is right that the media and Democrat politicians took him out of context. Pelosi was just amazingly absurd and manipulative.

Kimberley is very excited about tomorrow's royal wedding. Harry lost his mother at a young age and has now found a woman he intends to be with forever. Dana is married to a Brit, who can't figure out why Americans care about the royal wedding.

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