Friday, May 18, 2018

Some brief thoughts worth thinking about

Ace wrote at Ace of Spades,
I think Trump actually might have governed much more like a liberal, BUT FOR the left going savage on him, and leaving him with no other allies but the Deplorables.

They gave us Trump, and then they made Trump conservative.

Thanks, Leftists!

A bit of sarcasm tonight from David Harsanyi, who tweeted,
NRA = terrorists
GOP voters = racists
Ms-13 = immigrants
Hamas = innocent demonstrators.

How on earth do people like Trump ever win elections?

Frank Fleming tweeted,
There should be two types of places: One with armed guards and metal detectors and another where any law abiding citizen can conceal carry. I don't get the existence of a third: law-abiding citizens are prohibited from having guns but nothing is done to stop criminals.

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