Friday, May 18, 2018

Trump trolls the Left into complete insanity

Ben tries to be intellectually honest about the FBI/DOJ scandal. He puts himself in the position of the FBI in 2016 when information was given to them about possible collusion. He does not fault those in the FBI for investigating. He does find fault with those who leaked.

Ben discusses the controversy over whether MS13 members are animals. Here is what we have learned from the Democrats this week: Hamas: innocent, MS13 used to be babies, NRA members are terrorists (so said Debbie Wasserman Schultz), babies in the womb not worth protecting. (He talks about the Democratic Party's belief that before they are born, babies are thought to be not worth living.) Ben is amazed that Trump has somehow managed to troll the Left into complete insanity.

Why has it taken so long for a president to move the US embassy to Jerusalem? Because other presidents listened to their "foreign policy experts," who warned them of dire consequnces.

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