Befitting his profile as a moderate Republican who cared about the environment, Governor Romney responded [in 2006 - ed]to price spikes by describing them as the natural result of global market pressures and by calling for increases in fuel efficiency — the same approach that he now derides Obama for taking as president.Of course, we probably shouldn’t read too much into this. After all, as Ann Coulter keeps reminding us, Romney only said such things to fool Democrats into embracing his leadership — after first having fooled the electorate of the bluest of blue states into voting Republican in the first place. He then fooled Democrats even more by seeming to actually believe in their agenda, before finally completing his genius charade by actually legislating for those beliefs. Poor liberal saps never even knew what kind of savvy political gamesmanship had hit ‘em!"
At moments, Romney went so far as to make high gas prices out to be a welcome reality for the foreseeable future, one that people needed to learn to live with. When lieutenant governor Kerry Healey, a fellow Republican, called for suspending the state’s 23.5 cent gas tax during a price spike in May 2006, Romney rejected the idea, saying it would only further drive up gasoline consumption. “I don’t think that now is the time, and I’m not sure there will be the right time, for us to encourage the use of more gasoline,” Romney said, according to the Quincy Patriot Ledger’s report at the time. “I’m very much in favor of people recognizing that these high gasoline prices are probably here to stay.”
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Stories like this are just so confusing. Did you hear what Obama said? What Romeny said? When? Oh well about 6 years ago. Really?! Geez I'm so sick of it. Aren't you? I'm beginning to dislike the media more and more