Meanwhile, as new information becomes available every day about the killing of Trayvon Martin, let's not lose sight of the only relevant facts: what happened on the night the young man was killed.
Update: This blogger challenges Twitter to enforce their own rule: "You may not publish or post other people's private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, street address or Social Security/National Identity numbers, without their express authorization and permission."
Read more here:
Update 2: Florida high schoolers show their support for Trayvon Martin by looting the local Walgreens:
Update 3: The inimitable Mark "Steyn weighs in with this: C’mon, Reverend Sharpton, Jackson: Are you gonna let your good selves be so effortlessly upstaged by some Hollywood has-been, a North Carolina strip joint, and even some pasty honky Catholic?
Steyn has more photos and videos here, along with his commentary:
Update 4: Of course, no one can put the whole thing in perspective better than Victor Davis Hanson:
The Trayvon Martin
tragedy keeps becoming more Orwellian and the facts of what actually
happened that sad evening even more remote.
Or, alternatively, one can choose to print a different pair of photos: a more recent picture of a mature Trayvon Martin in hoodie paralleled with George Zimmerman, with neatly trimmed beard and mustache, smiling in suit and tie, and appearing in some sense more identifiably Latino. Supporters of the idea that Zimmerman acted in self-defense prefer photos of either a Martin hooded or with gold-plated teeth and tattoos, with Zimmerman appearing as an upbeat businessman of some sort.
After demonizing Zimmerman for a week as an unhinged white racist wannabe vigilante, Sharpton, Jackson, et al. are upset that the tables are turning and Martin is emerging not quite as a model pre-teen, Skittle-eating student with a slight truancy problem, but as a 6 foot 2 inch teen with troubled Twitter allusions to criminal activity, an obscene n-word Twitter ID, and suspensions entailing possible drug use and theft. Either such past information is irrelevant for both parties or it is useful in trying to reconstruct their behaviors on the night of the shooting — but either way it should be equitably applied to both.
Finally how absolute insane American has become: The mainstream media both wishes to portray Martin as the innocent-looking pre-teen of his old photo even as the rarer appearing, politically-incorrect hoodie picture resonates far more with Martin’s supporters; had Zimmerman just used his mother’s maiden name, much of the current outrage would have dissipated; the country beats itself up over whether Zimmerman may have used a racial epithet — even as Twitter messages are released of Martin self-identifying himself with the n-word; Martin’s mother is worried about publicity warping the name of her deceased son even as she seeks propriety merchandising rights to it; Al Sharpton by day agitates and demagogues and, by evening, reports on Al Sharpton agitating and demagoguing for MSNBC — and on and on and on.
Update 5: Since I seem to be posting quotes from my heroes in the blogosphere, let me hasten to add this by Thomas Sowell:
The man who shot the black teenager in Florida may be as guilty as sin, for all I know — or he may be innocent. We pay taxes so that there can be judges and jurors who sort out the facts. We do not need Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or the president of the United States spouting off before the trial has even begun. Have we forgotten the media’s rush to judgment in the Duke University “rape” case that blew up completely when the facts came out?
If the facts show that a teenager who was no threat to anyone was shot and killed, it will be time to call for the death penalty. But if the facts show that the shooter was innocent, then it will be time to call for people in the media and in politics to keep their big mouths shut until they know what they are talking about.
Playing with racial polarization is playing with fire.
Let the specific facts come out in the Florida case. Have we forgotten the Jim Crow era, with courts making decisions based on the race of the defendants, rather than the facts of the case? That is part of the past that we need to leave in the past, not resurrect under new racial management.
Race hustlers who stir up paranoia and belligerence are doing no favor to minority youngsters. There is no way to know how many of these youngsters’ confrontations with the police or others in authority have been needlessly aggravated by the steady drumbeat of racial hype they have been bombarded with.
I urge you to read more of Sowell's wise words here:
Update 6: The elderly couple, no relation to Mr. Zimmerman, forced to flee their home after Spike Lee, thinking they were connected to Zimmerman, gave out their address in a tweet, has retained the Morgan and Morgan law firm in Orlando. Take good care of these folks, Spike!
The voice of reason...Mr. Sowell