From The Rio Norte Line comes a badly needed humor break. Some Calvin Coolidge humor:
Calvin Coolidge, 30th US President, 1923-29
Humorist and storyteller Will Rogers was in a line of people that
were waiting to shake the hand of newly-elected President Coolidge.
“Silent Cal” was not known for having a sense of humor. In fact he was
so stiff that Al Gore would have seemed like a court jester in
comparison. A friend in line commented to Will that even he could not
get a laugh out of the new President.
“Why, I will have him laughing before we finish shaking hands”, Will
replied. Sure enough, when Will’s turn came he shook Coolidge’s hand,
leaned in close and whispered something in the president’s ear, at which
point the new President laughed uproariously. Will walked by his
dumbfounded friend, who asked how he had done it. Will replied, “I said
to him, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name’.”
Our Presidents get paid every two weeks, and it had
become customary for the new President’s first check to be
hand-delivered by the Paymaster-General. So, the fellow arrives with
Coolidge’s first check two weeks after his inauguration, and is shown in
to the Oval Office, where Silent Cal is poring over paperwork. The
Paymaster presents the check to the President, who accepts it, barely
looking up at the man, sets it down, and goes back to his reading. The
man is nonplussed; usually there is a bit of conversation, perhaps an
acknowledgement that the President knows his name, at least. An awkward
moment later, The Paymaster starts towards the door, thinking that the
stories of his boss’ coldness are true.
As he reaches the door, behind him he hears the president speak. “Come again”, he says.
The President and his wife, Grace, were in Vermont,
touring a chicken farm. By chance they were shown the hatchery at
different times, Grace being the first to tour the building.The guide
mentions that each rooster mates 12 times a day. “Oh really, a dozen
times a day?” replies Mrs. Coolidge, “Be sure to mention that to Mr.
Coolidge.” The guide, a bashful type, but not wanting to deny a
President’s wife, assures her that he will include that fact in his
Later, when The President is making his inspection of the breeding
facilities, the poor guide remembers his instructions, and awkwardly
interjects, “The roosters, sir, breed a dozen times a day”. Calvin
stares at the man for a minute, and asks, “With the same hen?” “Oh no,
sir. A different hen each time”, says the guide. “On our way out, be
sure to mention that to Mrs. Coolidge.”
I followed the link from Bob at The Camp of the Saints: