Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Whining: An Unattractive Quality

Do we really want a whiner as President of the United States? Have you noticed Obama's incessant whining? Maybe it is just a pet peeve of mine, because I have learned that portraying oneself as a victim only leads to self pity, which is never helpful to oneself or to those one comes into contact with. I always catch myself when I go in that direction, and I emphasize it with my children. If they can learn that lesson early, they will have much smoother sailing through life.

Sarah Palin has gotten inside Barack Obama's head. Joe Biden's, too. Less than a week after Sarah's remark about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull being lipstick, Barack makes a comment about "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it will still be a pig." Even if he did not mean it as an insult to Palin, it is clear to me that she is on his mind, and he is having a hard time figuring out how to deal with this woman whose popularity with voters has caused his lead over McCain to evaporate.

Dennis Miller today said, "It is not the color of his skin, it is the thinness of it."


  1. Yes Bob you are dead on. Whether he tried to make a joke and it backfired or not, he definitely has her on his mind. And I love it.

  2. He's not even a baby boomer and he has our worse attributes.

  3. Shoprat: Hahahahah! Priceless!
    he doesn't miss it by much, though.

    Every time he whines, he reminds me vividly of Bill Clinto shaking his finger in the collective face of America. Having a hissy because someone called him on his nonsense.

    Whining= non-Presidential
