Thursday, September 11, 2008

Confronting Evil

With today being September 11, many of us are thinking about our enemy, the Islamic terrorists. However, I have Georgia and Iran on my mind, too. I am wondering who this Putin guy really is. I am wondering if we are about to make the same mistakes in Georgia as the democracies of the world made in the 1930s, when Adolph Hitler marched unopposed into the Rhineland, Austria, the Sudetenland, and Czechoslovakia. Is Putin similar to Hitler? If so, which of our current presidential candidates has the spine to stand up to him?

Hitler carefully studied the leaders of the world's democracies. Is Putin studying the democracies of Europe? Hitler realized their weaknesses and their inability to stop his quick, decisive actions. Then he attacked Poland from the west, while the Soviets attacked Poland from the east, and the Western press remained silent about the atrocities committed by the Nazis and the Soviet Communists. Norway was then seized almost effortlessly by Hitler; then Holland and Denmark.

Finally a man was elected in Britain who understood that negotiations with Hitler would be impossible and that Hitler was committed to total war. That man was Winston Churchill. Churchill and FDR had spines. The two men became close friends, and they both loved the people of the countries they led. They realized that evil men who were a threat to their countries must be confronted and crushed. They inspired their countrymen to fight evil, not seek to appease it.

George Bush realized that Sadaam Hussein was evil, and he crushed him. However, Bush has looked Putin in the eye and seen a friend who can be trusted. John McCain looked Putin in the eye and saw "KGB." Who is right about Putin: Bush, or McCain?

Will Americans elect the negotiator, Barack Obama, who sees "poverty" as evil, or the man who realizes that once a man is KGB, he will always be KGB? Will we elect a leader who wants America to self-flagellate, or will we have leaders like FDR and Churchill, who will stand up to and crush evil men like Putin, Bin Ladin, and Ahmahdinejad?


  1. That is an easy question for many to answer. I just hope it's enough on election day.

  2. Barack couldn't recognize evil even if it kicked him in the butt.

  3. We've been lucky so far. Let's hope it continues.

  4. All I know is that history bears out that the Russians rarely start a war. Oh they mess around, they set up parameters of defense, they shake, rattle and roll, but they don't actually roll in the tanks often. Is that significant as well?

  5. terri,
    I did not know that about the Russians. They just kill their own people? Why do their former soviet sattelite countries fear them so much?

  6. It's about control. They want to control their people and their territory that has led them in the past to create if you will a buffer area with other countries. It has a lot to do with their early early history. The Mongols and the Chinese were always attacking them. And the geography of the land. The winters make for some very long lonely stretchs of time which can make you parniod. I took Russian history in college. It was fascinating. They aren't western, they aren't eastern.
