Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Studying Strange Creatures

Isn't it amusing to see the media, like a freshman anthropology class, scrambling all over Alaska to study these strange creatures who vote for Sarah Palin? Years ago Sarah attended a Pentecostal church. The media is really excited about that. Maybe there is a video they can dig up of Sarah speaking in tongues. No? Well how about a video of her killing an animal? No? Well, I guess we'll just have to interview an Assembly of God pastor where she formerly attended.

Talk about strange, this guy not only loves God, but he actually loves America! Did any one of these people ever seek to get an interview with Obama's pastor of twenty years, America-hating Jeremiah Wright?

Funny thing is, people like me will be all the more determined to stand with Mrs. Palin, the more the media attempts to ridicule her. So, keep it up, drive-by media hordes; all of us who are clinging to our guns and religion will only deepen our resolve to back the mavericks!

1 comment:

  1. IF you can laugh about all this, it is hysterical. They are scared of Sarah. And like you it just makes me sick the MSM is so obivous, glad it's so obivous, and even more determined to vote for her, McCain just happens to be on the ticket, ha.
