Saturday, July 29, 2017

Trump and Sessions

Here is a YouTube video Scott Adams made on Thursday. I was only able to watch or listen for the first 14 minutes. In it, Scott gives his take on Trump's public criticisms of Jeff Sessions. Scott said Trump had three options. One would be to fire Sessions, but the political fallout would be severe (even though the Democrats have not shown any love for Sessions). A second would have been to privately discuss with Jeff his unhappiness. But Sessions was already aware of what the president wanted. He had his own reasons for recusing himself, and those reasons would not have changed if they were in a room together. The third option for the president was to complain to his bosses: us! Parenthetically, I thought it was interesting that Scott admitted here that he did not vote!

Will Jeff Sessions behave differently now that he has been publicly humiliated by the president? I think there is evidence that he will. He has ramped up his efforts to deport the MS-13 gang members, highlighted by a trip this week to El Salvador, and he has continued to take a strong public stand against sanctuary cities.

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