Saturday, July 29, 2017

Lies, Lies, Lies!

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

This will be quite short and not so sweet. I am angry. Exceedingly angry. I am fed up with the constant stream of lies that inundate me from far too many sides. If it is not another politician lying or “misspeaking”, it is the media lying about what some politician did or did not “misspeak” about.

Is it really that hard to just say the truth? I don’t think so. But, apparently too many people in the public eye find it pert near impossible. If we are to judge by the neverending story lines of falsehood after falsehood that streams across our computers, tablets, and smartphones, it is a national epidemic of fibbing that has swept across our country . . . possibly even the world.

To those who would continue to mislead us, I say, “Just step to the plate, live up to your commitments, honor your oaths, dig deep for some integrity, respect your obligations, and tell the d@mn truth!!!” I am not completely certain when so many Americans stopped valuing the truth, but I am surely sad to see that deception is now just an everyday event for far too many.

I expect honesty from my family, friends, and the companies with which I do business. I am honest in my dealings with others. Why should I not expect the same from my government and media??? Just stop with all the lies!

Unfortunately, most of these lying lowlifes will continue to be re-elected or employed, even if they tell the truth. But, at least it is some small measure of improvement if they are truthful lowlifes for a change. I know they are useless, but I’d still prefer they are not lying to me on top of being worthless pieces of crap.

And, don’t even get me started on the lying, lowlife celebrities!!!

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