Saturday, July 29, 2017

One of Tucker's best shows yet!

Tucker Carlson continues to build a show worth watching. He has no interest in political correctness or in deceiving viewers, unlike many other national media programs.

He explores with Charles Krauthammer the question of whether Trump's new Chief of Staff, General Kelly, will be able to impose order. Krauthammer says that mostly depends on Donald Trump. For example, will Scaramucci report directly to the president, or will he be required to go through General Kelly? If it is the former, then we will have parallel governments and chaos, says Krauthammer. If it's the latter, there will be something resembling order and chain of command.

Then there is the question of Jared Kushner and Ivanka. Will they have to go through Kelly? Krauthammer says in retrospect we elected a royal family!

Tucker sarcastically observed, "Comey got Martha Stewart sent off to prison because she was a threat to the republic, but Hillary Clinton? That's not even an investigation, said the former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That was just a "matter!" Of course, that is the term he was instructed by his boss Loretta Lynch to use.

The Obama administration made hundreds of unmasking requests in the months leading up to and immediately following the election. Tucker asks, "What was the intelligence value of the unmasking? Unmasking means they requested the names of some Americans be left in intel reports. That is not supposed to happen unless the American is suspected of doing something illegal, as I understand it. American names are supposed to be protected, so as not to have their reputations smeared by politics.

Tucker just arrived back from El Salvador, which has the world's highest murder rate, largely because of the presence there of the MS-13 gang. There are suspected to be ten thousand MS-13 members living all across America. They are murderous thugs who prefer their victims to die slowly because it is more painful than merely shooting someone. Tucker had a guest on who refused to recognize Tucker's point that the MS-13 gang members prey on young immigrants who have recently come to America. The guest thought Trump was the problem, for wanting to deport the criminals.

Next, Tucker took a look at the controversy about transgenders serving in the military. He had a guest named Elizabeth Harrington of the Washington Free Beacon. She has been studying the issue, and believes Trump made the right decision. she points out that the military has long had a policy of excluding people for medical conditions. Transgender surgeries paid for by taxpayer dollars out of our military budget would cost $1.3 billion dollars over ten years, and that doesn't include hormone replacement, which would be $1200 per month. Recovery from the surgery averages 238 days, so no overseas deployment until recovered from surgery.

Lastly, Tucker has Scott Adams as a guest. As you know from reading my links to his blog, he loves to look at the psychology of persuasion involved in a news story. He explains why the Russia collusion story has lasted this long despite lacking proof of collusion. It has everything you need in a good mystery, except credibility! North Korea, on the other hand, is about one character, and he's in hiding! He recommends that we read a blogger named Scott Alexander. He concluded with this observation: The less true a story is, the more energy it has because there are strong differences of opinion on both sides and people develop competing theories.

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