Saturday, July 29, 2017

Here is Sean Hannity's interview with Reince Priebus.

If Priebus is not a classy individual, I don't know who is! He describes President Trump as being carefully deliberate in big decisions, decent, genuine, caring, good-hearted, funny, and incredibly hard-working. He also has nothing but good things to say about his replacement as Chief of Staff, General Kelly. He thinks Trump was wise to hit the reset button at this time. He believes Trump will be reelected in 2020. No other politician on the planet can draw the enthusiastic crowds Trump does.

Priebus points to Trump's successes such as the rising GDP, jobs, workforce production and eliminating fifteen or sixteen regulations for every new one. The Democrats have held up approval on hundreds of nominees.

Priebus talks about how the media narratives get set in stone, reported as fact, when there is little or no truth or facts in the narratives.

Priebus wishes more people could see the human side of Trump, whom Priebus regards as his friend.

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