Thursday, December 01, 2016

The season of Advent

At A Holy Experience, Ann Voskamp writes,
Turning the calendar page early this morning in our warming farm house, and there it is, in all it’s fullness —

This is the season of Advent, of coming, of the coming Kingdom of God.

This season of the coming of God, this Advent — it begins a new year for the church calendar, a fresh start.

What the world sees as the end of the year, the church sees as the beginning, because this is always the gentle, kind way of the Kingdom of God: the last shall be first and the first shall be last, and all things are gloriously upside down in the Kingdom of the King.

We want buckets full of things, but in the domain of God the main thing is to kindly pour your bucket out only to be fulfilled in the most meaningful kind of way.
Read more here.

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