Thursday, December 01, 2016

"Prison of my own making"

Gavin McInnes writes at Taki's Journal,
We are at war with a value system based on meaningless platitudes and conjecture.

This is the problem with their philosophy in a nutshell. It’s based on a hunch. That’s it. No fact checking. No consternation. No debate. Just a videogame plot based on what makes them feel like a hero. The ones who became educated in these fields at the various Hunch Universities across the country are even more irritating. They’re just able to use more made-up words to describe their made-up universe.
Read more here.

McInnes ends his article by linking to a post in the Huffington Post entitled, How I Ended Up In A Psych Ward On Election Night, by Benjamin Ryan.
Sean and I were among the first to leave the Javits Center — we fled, really — at about 10:30 that evening. I couldn’t bear to see the party devolve into a wake.

...I seemed to be the only garden variety anxious-depressive in the ward, and was probably the only one gainfully employed, certainly the sole Ivy League grad. As far as I could estimate, most of the two dozen or so other men and women were homeless or unstably housed and largely suffered from psychosis.
The author is the person on our right.

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