Thursday, December 01, 2016

November 30: Israel’s National Day Commemorating the Jewish Departure and Expulsion from Muslim Lands

Miriam F. Elman writes at Legal Insurrection about
November 30: Israel’s National Day Commemorating the Jewish Departure and Expulsion from Muslim Lands

The commemorative day, which was designated by the Knesset three years ago, is a belated recognition of the collective traumas experienced by between 850,000 to 1 million Jews who were expelled or fled from their homes across Arab and Muslim-majority countries from the 1940s until the 1970s.

...the reality is that tens of thousands of Arabs ended up staying in Israel and became citizens, while the hundreds of thousands of Arabs who fled the war zone were kept in refugee camps by other Arabs where to this day they face astonishing degrees of discrimination as non-citizens.

Stories abound about these Palestinian refugees. Even Israelis learn about the creation of the Palestinian refugee crisis in their schools. But few are aware of the forgotten exodus of Jewish refugees or the suffering that Jews in nearly a dozen Arab countries experienced on account of hostility toward Jews, Zionism, and the very creation of the state of Israel.
Read more here.

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