Friday, September 02, 2016

Stop collecting grievances!

Sarah Hoyt has some things to say about people who see themselves as victims.
If you find that you are tied up in a pool of hate, and can’t achieve anything, it’s not the society, cupcake. It’s you. Obsessing about how people discriminate against you for x or y has become your reason to live, a form of OCD that comes with the bonus of never having to admit you failed/didn’t try hard enough, and never having to make any effort to do anything.

You’re not living in a white supremacy or a patriarchy or any of the bullshit you’ve been telling yourself. (I can give you places to go to experience those, if you wish.) You’re living inside your head, and you’ve allowed it to become a really bad place.

I have a friend who is male and very short. He said for many years he obsessed on the few funny remarks people made about it, and spent time imagining other remarks that were never voice. And he was miserable, and couldn’t function.

I found the same as an immigrant. Yep, one of my jobs blatantly discriminated against me. Yep, other people probably thought things about me that made no sense. BUT I only started achieving when I stopped obsessing on what they might be thinking/saying behind my back and decided that biggoted or not, they were assholes, and the best course of action was to ignore them and do what I wanted to do.

Since then I haven’t found that discrimination impairs my life at all. My friend reports similar results.

Get out of your corner and stop collecting grievances. Embrace true diversity, which includes many, many kinds of assholes.

Free yourself, and then let’s worry about the real problem cultures. Like the ones where women, gays (and yes) other races and religions are at risk for their lives.

The rest is just stupid little games for silly little girls, even those who happen to be male.
Read more here.

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