Tuesday, August 02, 2016

How the Left decides who has absolute moral authority

Ace of Spades today posts about the unequal treatment given to Mrs. Smith as opposed to Mr. Kahn, both of whom are parents of deceased military heroes.
What I'm believing is that I should treat my liberal counterparts with the exact level of fairness, honesty, and respect with which they treat me -- and that if I show any level of fairness, honesty, and respect to them greater than what they show me, I'm not more moral or virtuous.

What I am is a damn fool and a sucker who is encouraging his own debasement.

As they say in psychiatric circles: If you're permitting your own abuse to continue, at some point, you stop being a victim, and start being a volunteer.

Khan insulted Trump. The fact that his son died twelve years ago does not grant him, in my mind, some kind of personal Grievance Privilege.

If you enter the arena, you're in the arena.

This whole idea of Special People Having Special Privileges is a leftist, progressive thing which we have aped to our dishonor and detriment by creating our own protected groups.

No, I don't think veterans should be disparaged generally, and I would object if such an honorable group were generally disparaged.

But veterans weren't being generally disparaged here - just one. And actually, no veterans at all are even involved. The father of a veteran is being insulted, after that father insulted Trump.

"You have sacrificed nothing, nothing" -- "here is the Constitution -- have you ever read it?"

Anyone going to claim those are not insults?

...For a larger and larger fraction of the American public, ginned-up twitter outrage is the only physical exercise or cardio they get.

And people that are actually smart and went to Wharton and know all the Best Words ought to know that: The true American pastime, the real American sport, is now moral grandstanding and shouting at people for their sins.
Read more here.

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