Monday, January 18, 2016

Ten reasons to vote for Rubio

I have been writing about the fact that the principled conservatives in talk radio all like Ted Cruz. The more principled the talk show, the more likely it is to praise Ted Cruz and find fault with Donald Trump, although all seem to me to be giving Trump a fair consideration. However, there is a third person still in the running, Marco Rubio.

James Arlandson writes at American Thinker that there are ten reasons GOP voters should back Marco Rubio.
1. Rubio has the best chance to deliver Florida.
2. He speaks Spanish fluently. 3. His faith seems genuine. 4. He outpolls Hillary in a head-to-head matchup. 5. He comes across as youthful, friendly, positive, and winsome. 6. He has a quick, smart mind. 7. His Senate colleagues like him. 8. He is a conservative in an unscary way. 9. He's not a government shutdown artist in his own Gang of One. 10. He does not have a temperament problem.

Go here to read the author's amplification of each point.

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