Friday, December 04, 2015


Do you prefer not to be assigned a gender? Well then, just use the prefix "Mx." The New York Times will honor your choice. John Nolte writes at Breitbart,
The road to fascism is paved with sensitivity.

As an example: I don’t care if Bruce Jenner wants to dress like a woman and call himself a woman. I really don’t. Live and let live. But in this increasingly fascist day and age, I am the one who is not allowed to live and let live. I am not allowed to point to Bruce Jenner and say, “That’s a guy in a dress!” without being attacked as a bigot and homophobe — even though I really am pointing to a guy in a dress.

And now, no less than The New York Times is pushing anti-science lies that someone is gender-neutral, which in turn denies readers the truth of this person’s gender, and by extension, demands that I play along with the delusion.

And there’s a good chance that it is a delusion.

Patronizing the mentally ill is not a virtue.

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