Sunday, December 06, 2015

Doing the math

Chateau Heartiste has a few words about the San Bernardino massacre:
Shitlibs think they’re being clever contrasting number of (post-9/11) Muslim terror deaths to all other American mass shooting deaths. Unfortunately for them, shitlibs suffer from a bad case of Dunning-Clueless: so smug they don’t realize how callow they are. Proportional to their population share of the total US population, Muslims are bombing and shooting FAR above their weight. As another Sailer commenter spelled out,

Note the ridiculous supposition that Islamic terrorism is only responsible for 44% of domestic terrorist victims so its wrong to associate terrorism with Islam.

Muslims make up 1% of the US population and at 44% that’s an over-representation of 4,400%! Whether Islamic terrorism claims an absolute majority or not is besides the point.

Also non-Islamic terrorists are natives who we are stuck with. Muslim terrorists are immigrants or children of immigrants. We chose to bring these terrorists into our country.

And don’t forget all the foiled Muslim terror plots that, if left to execute unhindered, would further boost the kill rate of Muslim terror on US soil.

Bottom line: This is what happens when a nation is an amorphous “proposition” run by an adversarial, traitorous globocorp elite instead of a binding contract and divine expression of blood and soil native stock ruling the country for the benefit of their posterity.
Read more here.

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