Monday, February 09, 2015

Is it too much to ask a newsman to tell the truth?

James Taranto weighs in on the Brian Williams story, saying
it isn’t too much to expect him to tell the truth.

What is the Williams story?
a self-serving lie motivated by a desire to burnish Williams’s own authority by associating himself with the military, an institution that actually does command widespread trust?
Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. I am amused with all the fuss over Williams. What person, over the age of 4, with more than 2 brain cells, believes what ANY "journalist" says?? EVER!!!

    I learned that in the 50's growing up on military bases.

    Factoid: Journalists do not "report" the news. They twist, lie, distort to sell newspapers or increase income on the tube. It is called fiction.
