Monday, February 09, 2015

Follow the punks!

Lisa De Pasquale writes about some people on the right who might actually lead us to liberty.
Fortunately, there is a group of conservatives and libertarians – I call them political punks – who actually have cultural credibility. They appreciate mainstream culture for the power of the parable in furthering a message of liberty. They also understand that unlike the perpetually outraged on both sides, Americans don’t view everything through politics. They are anti-authoritarian. They are punk. They go against the liberal culture scene and the conservative political scene. These punks are our best hope for engaging new audiences on the importance of liberty.

Who are some of the people she writes about? Clint Eastwood, Ann Coulter, Greg Gutfield, and Gavin McInnes are featured in this article, and TV host Mike Rowe, musician Andrew WK, playwright David Mamet, actor James Woods, TV host Kennedy, Reason editor Nick Gillespie may be featured in a future column.

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