Monday, February 09, 2015

Obama: the cornered one defeated by complexity, hard calls and ambivalence

Peggy Noonan weighs in on President Obama's high horse moral equivalency comments at the National Prayer Breakfast:
“This is just the moment to dilate on Christendom’s sins, isn’t it? While Christians are being driven from the Mideast? [Obama] always says these things as if he’s the enlightened one facing the facts of the buried past instead of the cornered one defeated by complexity, hard calls and ambivalence. He is lost. His policy is listlessness punctuated by occasional booms.”

James Taranto notes that
Not surprisingly, Obama’s musings on religion in general were in the service of denying that Islamic terrorism is Islamic.

...To hear the president tell it now, not only is America “irrevocably bound to a tragic past,” but so is Christianity, whose past is an order of magnitude longer than this country’s.

One reader who emailed us about yesterday’s speech complained that Christians didn’t “even get the ‘Well, those bad people weren’t really Christians anyway’ disclaimer.” Of course they didn’t. No one would take seriously the claim that the Crusaders weren’t Christian. By invoking the Crusades as an analogy for 21st-century terrorism, the president reveals the absurdity of his own claim that the Islamic State isn’t Islamic.
Read more here.

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