Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Genocide!

Dr. Naomi Wolf writes,
The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed. And our experts are serving humanity by reading through these documents and explaining them in lay terms. You can find all of the Volunteers’ reports on DailyClout.io.
The WarRoom/DailyClout Volunteers have confirmed: that Pfizer (and thus the FDA) knew by December 2020 that the MRNA vaccines did not work — that they “waned in efficacy” and presented “vaccine failure.” One side effect of getting vaccinated, as they knew by one month after the mass 2020 rollout, was “COVID.”
Pfizer knew in May of 2021 that 35 minors’ hearts had been damaged a week after MRNA injection — but the FDA rolled out the EUA for teens a month later anyway, and parents did not get a press release from the US government about heart harms til August of 2021, after thousands of teens were vaccinated.
Pfizer (and thus the FDA; many of the documents say “FDA: CONFIDENTIAL” at the lower boundary) knew that, contrary to what the highly paid spokesmodels and bought-off physicians were assuring people, the MRNA, spike protein and lipid nanoparticles did not stay in the injection site in the deltoid, but rather went, within 48 hours, into the bloodstream, from there to lodge in the liver, spleen, adrenals, lymph nodes, and, if you are a woman, in the ovaries.
Pfizer skewed the trial subjects so that almost three quarters were female — a gender that is less prone to cardiac damage. Pfizer lost the records of what became of hundreds of their trial subjects.
In the internal trials, there were over 42,000 adverse events and more than 1200 people died. Four of the people who died, died on the day they were injected.
Adverse events tallied up in the internal Pfizer documents are completely different from those reported on the CDC website or announced by corrupted physicians and medical organizations and hospitals. These include vast columns of joint pain, muscle pain (myalgia), masses of neurological effects include MS, Guillain Barre and Bell’s Palsy, encephaly, every iteration possible of blood clotting, thrombocytopenia at scale, strokes, hemorrhages, and many kinds of ruptures of membranes throughout the human body. The side effects about which Pfizer and the FDA knew but you did not, include blistering problems, rashes, shingles, and herpetic conditions (indeed, a range of blistering conditions oddly foreshadowing the symptoms of monkeypox).
The internal documents show that Pfizer (and thus the FDA) knew that angry red welts or hives were a common reaction to the PEG, a petroleum-derived allergen in the vaccine ingredients — one that you are certainly not supposed to ingest. Indeed, PEG is an allergen so severe that many people can go into anaphylactic shock if they are exposed to it. But people with a PEG allergy were not warned away from the vaccines or even carefully watched by their doctors, EpiPen in hand. They were left to their shock.
Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that they did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945.
I am not saying that this is exactly like finding evidence of Dr Mengele’s experiments; but I am saying, with these findings, that now the comparison may not be that excessive. These anti-humans at Pfizer, speaking at the WEF; these anti-humans at the FDA; knowing what they know; are targeting the miraculous female body, with its ability to conceive, gestate, birth and nurture life. They are targeting the female body’s ability to sustain a newborn human being with nothing but itself. They are targeting the amniotic membrane, the ovaries that release the ovum, they are targeting the lymph and blood that help support the building up of mother’s milk, they are targeting the fetus in utero, helpless.
They are targeting the human fetus’ very environment, one of the most sacred spaces on this earth, if not the most sacred.
And they know it.
This time could really be the last time; these monsters in the labs, on the transnational panels, are so very skillful; and so powerful; and their dark work is so extensive.
If God is there — again — after all the times that we have tried his patience — and who indeed knows? - will we reach out a hand to him in return, will we take hold in the last moment out of this abyss, and simply find a way somehow to walk alongside him?
Or will we this time, in losing the babies, and heedlessly carrying on nonetheless — be truly lost ourselves?

The rot is festering!

Julie Kelly reports,
For nearly a year and a half, armed FBI agents across the country have raided, interrogated, and arrested more than 800 Americans on mostly nonviolent offenses related to January 6, 2021, a four-hour protest that (F.B.I. Director) Wray considers an “act of domestic terror.”
If he gets his way, Wray will control a $10.7 billion budget next year—a $1.4 billion increase over 2020—and nearly 37,000 employees. Meanwhile, the American people have lost trust in the nation’s top law enforcement agency; a recent poll revealed that 64 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of independents consider the FBI “Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” Even 30 percent of Democrats agree, presumably more as a bragging point than a source of alarm.
No one asked Wray how his agents missed Payton Gendron, the man responsible for the massacre in Buffalo on May 14, despite a wide online footprint, a history of threatening behavior, and reports that the killer communicated with a former federal agent prior to the attack. Republicans also gave Wray a pass on the targeting of parents at school board meetings; the whereabouts of Hunter Biden’s laptop—which the FBI took possession of in December 2019—and any investigation of its contents; repeated violations to FBI policies on investigations of political interests; and the raid of Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe to stonewall another Biden family scandal.
The botched FBI investigation into serial rapist Larry Nassar, longtime physician for the women’s USA Gymnastics team, only earned a glancing mention. (Thirteen victims have filed a lawsuit against the FBI seeking $176 million in damages.) Wray feigned ignorance when Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) asked whether the two FBI agents primarily responsible for mishandling the matter would face criminal prosecution.
Only one senator confronted Wray about the FBIs lost credibility. “There are millions of Americans who look at this and think, I’m not saying they’re correct, that the FBI’s become a political organization and at some point you’re going to have to address that,” Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) told Wray. “I think at the right time you’re gonna have to address this and assure the American people that the rot is gone.”
But the rot is festering; after facing no consequences for any number of illicit scandals over the past several years, Wray’s FBI is emboldened to act as the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. One has to look no further than the scummy FBI agents and informants responsible for the Whitmer kidnapping hoax, another FBI attempt to interfere in a presidential election and sabotage Donald Trump.
Christopher Wray will not excise the “rot” that infests the FBI from top to bottom. Therefore, the task falls to Sen. Kennedy, his Senate colleagues and House Republicans. But there’s no indication that will happen. Senators last week should have hammered Wray for using his authority for flagrant partisan purposes—from entrapping innocent Americans to produce damaging headlines for Trump right before the 2020 election to spying on parents protesting race and gender-related school policies—not handle him with kid gloves.
Of course, the FBI does not deserve a raise—instead, its headquarters should be razed and the department completely overhauled if not abolished. It repeatedly has failed to protect the most vulnerable including young gymnasts and grade schoolers while deploying its destructive powers against American citizens for political reasons.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/30/no-senate-republicans-the-fbi-does-not-deserve-a-raise/

A "sword and sorcery" regime

Richard Fernandez writes,
The most singular aspect of the rise of Woke mumbo jumbo is its relationship with the astonishing technological development that sustains it; enabling what may be called a “sword and sorcery” regime. Quasi-theocracies are upheld by technology so advanced it appears to be magic, at least to the general public, who have only a vague and awestruck knowledge of the mechanisms involved. “This man is woman,” a counter disinformation bureaucrat might intone, and all would nod in assent. Those in the virtual crowd who disagree will remain mute, for they know that with a gesture, the functionary can zap any dissenter with cancelation, so that he can be excluded from the metaverse entirely, through a process few understand but all fear.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2022/05/30/sword-and-sorcery-2-n1601640

Is it your affirmative duty to become a victim?

Michael Walsh writes,
Luckily, here in the U.S., "shall not be infringed" has a meaning that is clear to everyone who speaks English, even Supreme Court justices and emotive half-wit Connecticut senators who shamelessly exploit dead children for their own political purposes. Gun confiscation from overwhelmingly law-biding legal gun owners makes about as much sense as locking down the healthy during a relatively minor viral epidemic. Oh wait...
Or our forefathers would have dubbed such behavior as "evil," which is what the shootings in Texas and in Buffalo—and the weekly carnage in places like Chicago—are. Please don't "judge" him, said the Texas shooter's mom, "he had his reasons." No real man cares what his "reasons" were. Indeed, the sooner we get the shrinks out of the criminal justice system entirely, and replace them with morality, the more justice we're going to get for criminals. Some people are just born to be bad and no amount of shrinking is going to help them; it only excuses them. But just as plane crashes get more media attention than fatal auto accidents, so do mass murders command the headlines, even though they are extremely rare and their death tolls are far smaller than run-of-the-mill urban violence.
The sight of the lard-bottomed Uvalde cops standing around while a punk with reasons was murdering the town's children is one we won't soon forget. Not a real man among them, and that goes for the women on the force too. Hey—a guy could get killed charging an "active shooter." (The only adult who showed any gumption was the woman who acted on her maternal instincts and rescued her own children.) But if the first consideration of your local cops is for their own safety, get new cops pronto. Just because courts have consistently ruled the police have no affirmative duty to come to your aid—that "protect and serve" thing? Just kidding!—doesn't mean you have an affirmative duty to become a victim.
Their job is to collect the bodies after the carnage stops and then "solve" the crime. Your job is to make sure it doesn't happen in the first place. That is, if you're man enough.
Read more here: https://the-pipeline.org/the-column-forget-guns-whatever-happened-to-men/

This weekend's drunk driving crash not Pelosi's first!

Daily Mail reports,
Pelosi's multi-millionaire husband Paul killed his 19-year-old brother when he lost control and flipped his sports car in early-morning 'joyride' when he was 16-years-old - 65 years before this weekend's arrest for drunk driving crash. Read more here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10871913/Nancy-Pelosis-husband-killed-brother-lost-control-flipped-sports-car-teen.html

Sussmann acquitted!

Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager, Michael Sussmann, is the latest D.C. operative to avoid prison time for his work on her campaign. AP version of his courtroom events are here: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-hillary-clinton-john-durham-presidential-elections-59158f83bd6a9159b420f2b04848b77f

Monday, May 30, 2022

Not fit!

Robert Spencer covered Joe Biden's speech to the Naval Academy yesterday.
Old Joe Biden took his president act to Annapolis Friday, giving a bizarre teleprompter reading to the U.S. Naval Academy class of 2022 that demonstrated before the watching world yet again that this is not a man who is fit to perform the job he is supposed to be doing. From the creepy whispering and outright lies to the unaccountable shouting and mangled verbiage, the Navy grads were treated to a tour de force Biden performance and one that once again raised the question of why anyone ever thought it would be a good idea to install this man in the Oval Office.
The speech hit the usual nonsensical far-Left talking points. We heard, for instance, that COVID-19 had accelerated climate change: “Over the past few years, we’ve seen how interconnected the world is. The deadly pandemic has impacted not just our own schooling, but almost every aspect of our lives — impacts of disruptions to the global supply chain causing significant inflation; accelerating the climate crisis that’s leading to rising seas and more severe weather patterns arou- — around the globe.”
How’s that again, Joe? A pandemic led to warmer global temperatures? This kind of ridiculous statement illustrates why fewer and fewer people “trust the science” these days; this isn’t any kind of genuine science at all. It’s pure superstition. Joe famously claims to be Catholic, while cheerfully flouting the actual teaching of his Church; in this case, however, he was giving vent to pure paganism: apparently, the pandemic angered Gaia, who decided to turn the thermostat up on those rebellious humans even more than she had already.

How Gore profits from his Chinese Communist ties

Chuck Ross reports,
Former vice president Al Gore runs a $36 billion investment fund dedicated to environmental and social sustainability. The "mission-led firm" that claims to "seek transformational change needed in climate and social action" has investments in companies that profit from Chinese slave labor and help the Chinese Communist Party censor the internet.
Read more here: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/inconvenient-truth-al-gores-woke-firm-invests-in-chinese-slave-labor/

Pelosi's husband arrested

Jacob Bliss reports,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband, Paul Pelosi, was reportedly arrested and booked over the holiday weekend in Napa County, California, after driving under the influence.
The speaker’s husband was arrested just before midnight Saturday (11:44 p.m.) in Napa County and booked into jail hours later — just after four o’clock in the morning — on two counts, according to the Napa County Criminal Justice Network. According to the arrest records, the two misdemeanors he was arrested for were: (a) It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage to drive a vehicle. (b) It is unlawful for a person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle.
Read more here: https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2022/05/29/nancy-pelosis-husband-paul-pelosi-arrested-for-dui-in-napa-valley/

Did you see this in the news?


The proliferation of mass shootings by alienated young men

John Daniel Davidson reports,
A broken home, no father or father figure in his life, no church or community of any kind, no real friends except those he met through social media. Here we have, in brief sketch, not just a profile of a school shooter, but an indictment of our entire culture. It was the same in Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and many other places. Something is very wrong out there, and it is manifesting itself in the proliferation of mass shootings by alienated young men.
It’s quite possible that the response to the Uvalde massacre will be meaningless gun legislation that assuages the consciences of our political leaders but does nothing to address the underlying causes of such violence, just as the Covid school closures assuaged their consciences while making life worse for everyone else. You’ll be able to tell the politicians who understand the real problem and take it seriously; they’ll be talking about the need for fathers, intact families, and neighborly love.
Read more here: https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/27/school-shootings-arent-caused-by-faulty-gun-laws-but-by-the-collapse-of-the-family/

Musk advocates for the right to bear arms

Michael Chapman reports,
In an email exchange with CNBC on May 25, business magnate and entrepreneur Elon Musk said the Second Amendment, which provides Americans with the right to own and carry firearms, is "an important safeguard against potential tyranny of government."
“I strongly believe that the right to bear arms is an important safeguard against potential tyranny of government," wrote Musk in the email to CNBC.
"Historically, maintaining their power over the people is why those in power did not allow public ownership of guns,” he added.
Read more here: https://cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/elon-musk-right-bear-arms-important-safeguard-against-potential-tyranny

11 mass shootings this weekend!

Annabelle Timsit reports,
At least 14 mass shootings have taken place across the United States since Tuesday, from California to Arizona to Tennessee. This Memorial Day weekend alone — spanning Saturday, Sunday and the federal holiday on Monday — there have been at least 11 mass shootings. This Memorial Day weekend alone — spanning Saturday, Sunday and the federal holiday on Monday — there have been at least 11 mass shootings.
Read more here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-marks-memorial-day-weekend-with-at-least-11-mass-shootings/ar-AAXT8k2

The Heat, or the Celtics?

Who will win tonight's game between the Miami Heat and Boston Celtics? The Celtics have Jayson Tatum as their most consistent star. The Heat has Jimmy Butler, who was fabulous in the last game. So, who will step forward in support of either Butler or Tatum?

Software billionaire attacking Elon Musk

dnyuz.com has a story about a reclusive software developer named Dan O'Dowd who is running as a Democrat candidate in California for the U.S. Senate.
The television ads for Dan O’Dowd, a software billionaire running as a Democrat for Senate in California, are not your typical campaign spots. To an extraordinary degree, they’re all aimed at one topic: Tesla’s automated driving software. Not at his putative opponent, Senator Alex Padilla, the incumbent Democrat.
O’Dowd’s campaign slogan is “Making Computers Safe for Humanity.” Tesla’s computers, he claims, are not.
“The problem of the last five or 10 years has been that we’ve been taking everything that our lives depend on and putting computers in charge of it,” O’Dowd said in an interview. “So now our power grid, our cars, or our dams, or bridges, hospitals — everything has been put in computers that have been put in charge of everything.”
Read more here: https://dnyuz.com/2022/05/27/meet-the-reclusive-software-billionaire-attacking-elon-musk/

Saturday, May 28, 2022

ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetency

Victor Davis Hanson writes,
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has essentially nullified federal immigration law. Over 2 million foreign nationals have illegally crossed the southern border without audit—and without COVID vaccinations and tests during a pandemic.
The common denominator to these Biden appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence.
They seem indifferent to the current border, inflation, energy, and crime disasters. When confronted, they are unable to answer simple questions from Congress, or they mock anyone asking for answers on behalf of the strapped American people.
We don’t know why or how such an unimpressive cadre ended up running the government, only that they are here and the American people are suffering from their presence.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/25/a-cabinency-of-dunces/

Stolen elections

Are you familiar with the work being done by Julie Kelly at American Greatness? She has detailed the incredibly unfair incarcerations of hundreds of American patriots after the January 1, 2021 protest rally in Washington D.C. Those incarcerations are in stark contrast to the slow-moving prosecutions of people hired by the Clinton campaign to allege that the 2016 election was the result of collusion between Trump and Russians. Read Julie's latest column here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/26/stolen-elections-a-tale-of-two-d-c-courtrooms/

American Injustice

Will Cain sits down with John Paul Mac Isaac, the laptop repairman who was in possession of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. You will be disgusted by the response of the F.B.I. John Paul's book is American Injustice.

Who is holding you back?

David Harsanyi writes,
We see fewer hungry people than ever, fewer people dying in conflicts over resources, and fewer perishing from extreme climate. So it’s refreshing to see someone as famous as Musk, a techno-optimist and environmentalist, argue that humans are the ones propelling a decent world rather than the ones holding it back.
Read more here: https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/24/elon-musk-is-right-have-more-kids/

Kellyanne Conway's new book

Kellyanne Conway has finally written a book about her experiences with Donald Trump. Meridith McGraw reports,
One of Donald Trump’s most steadfast aides acknowledges in a new book that the president lost the 2020 election and says he was ill-advised by campaign staff and the election deniers who surrounded him.
“The team had failed on November 3, and they failed again afterward. By not confronting the candidate with the grim reality of his situation, that the proof had not surfaced to support the claims, they denied him the evidence he sought and the respect he was due. Instead supplicant after sycophant after showman genuflected in front of the Resolute Desk and promised the president goods they could not deliver.”
Conway is known for her occasional sharp elbows and unrelenting capacity to spin, and her book is full of trademark sarcasm and barbs, especially when it comes to the press and the never-ending quest at the Trump White House to find internal leakers. But Conway does write with evident pain about her own family dramas that spilled out into the public, like her husband George Conway’s spats with Trump, and her teen daughter Claudia’s rebellion on TikTok.
“The Trump campaign raised $200 million after November 3 to prove the election had been stolen,” Conway writes. “A smooth transition and a focus on the president’s legacy would have served him and the country better.”
Read more here: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/24/kellyanne-conway-yes-trump-lost-00034625

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Why was the killer exchanging gunfire with Border Patrol Agents? Running drugs?

Ace reports on the horrendous killings today in Texas.
14 Elementary School Students and One Teacher Dead in School Shooting Spree In Texas Shooter Exchanged Gunfire With Border Patrol Agents Before Barricading Himself Inside School, But Was US Citizen
Read more here: https://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=399271
General Dispatch updates our knowledge: 18 children and one teacher were killed.
May 24, 2022: The death toll is now 19 students and two teachers.

Joe Biden and racial demagoguery

Victor Davis Hanson takes a look at Joe Biden's racist efforts to capitalize on recent insane murders.
Of course, he has said nothing either in the past or in the present about the mass murdering by the black nationalist and BLM sympathizer Darrell Brooks. The latter deliberately used his car to mow down white children and elderly people. Most media outlets, given their selective indifference to the loss of human life, described the killings as done by a wayward SUV, as if it was driven on some sort of autopilot.
The Left in general and Biden in particular scan the daily news for opportunities for racial demagoguery. When black shooters try to gas and maim white commuters on the subway, or when there is an epidemic of anti-Asian hate crimes committed disproportionately by black males, or an unhinged Bernie Sanders activist attempts to murder House Republican leaders, the Left is silent or insists the hard ideology or racism the shooter embraces is either irrelevant or somehow a natural response to some sort of provocation. Again, it selectively sees or does not see connections between political discourse and crazy people who commit mass mayhem—depending entirely upon the political ore to be mined.
The effort to pigeonhole mass shootings for political gain necessarily results in hypocrisy, fantasy, and outright lying. Suddenly cars are animated objects. Black nationalist racial hatred expressed on social media is derided as right-wing talking points. Joe Biden cites African-American shooters of Asians as white-supremacist killers.
Note that the Hispanic populations, galvanized by Biden’s culpably for high fuel prices, hyperinflation, support for radical abortion on demand, and, ironically, open borders, may soon split its political loyalties in November in a way once deemed unimaginable.
If that happens, then the Left will likely recalibrate Mexican Americans as virtual Cubans and thus close the southern border, given illegal immigration will no longer be seen by their own admission as useful demographically.
By all means let us sanction, condemn, and oppose Russia’s vicious attack on Ukraine. But the Left shows no such animosity toward a far greater existential threat to the United States—Communist China. It has destroyed an independent Tibet. It has absorbed and ruined a once democratic and free Hong Kong. It promises to end autonomy and democracy for Taiwan. And it has bullied and threatened every other consensual government in its neighborhood, from Australia and Japan to South Korea and the Philippines.
When the looting, arson, and killing began to boomerang against the Left and was deemed no longer advantageous, the violence magically ceased in the final weeks before the election and throughout the Biden transitions and tenure.
Contrast all that with the buffoonish, despicable riot in the Capitol by an ad hoc group of crazies. It was labeled an “insurrection.” The media then systematically lied about the five deaths that occurred on January 6, creating fables about the tragic natural demise of Officer Brian Sicknick. It smothered mention of FBI informants in the crowds, hid information about the circumstances of the lethal shooting of Ashli Babbitt and smirked about suspects put in solitary confinement for months without being charged or tried.
Joe Biden is said to be an inert puppet of left-wing masters. Perhaps. But more likely his cognitive challenges have stripped away his political savvy and left him in the raw, revealing his real essence, a racialist of the first order, who will use any tragedy to salvage what has become the worst two years of a presidency in modern memory. And most of the people now know it.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/23/joe-biden-and-racial-demagoguery/

Have we come this far?

Glenn Beaton writes,
If my speculation is right, then who’s the bigger crook? Is it Sussmann for accepting the FBI’s implicit (or explicit) invitation to lie, or is it the FBI for inviting him to lie, recognizing that he’d lied, and then presenting the lie as fact to the FISA court to illegally get a surveillance warrant on a presidential campaign?
Sussmann deserves to be convicted. That said, we expect political operatives like him to lie to everyone all the time. We don’t, however, expect the FBI to lie to the courts, ever, and certainly not for the purpose of spying on political campaigns. I hope Durham is just getting warmed up.
Read more here: https://theaspenbeat.com/

Monday, May 23, 2022

Marijuana use among young people

A website entitled drugfree.org takes an extensive look at marijuana. What are the common changes in friends, behavior, mood and personality?
Uncharacteristically relaxed or reserved Unfazed by conflicts or stress Slurred, slow, repetitive speech Inappropriate laughter Paranoia over small inconveniences Confusion, disorientation or delusions
school and work Diminished ability to focus and engage with assignments Decreased attendance Changes in academic or work performance Disregard for rules at school or work
Health issues Excessive sleeping Lethargic movement New symptoms of asthma or breathing issues Excessive eating and snacking “Cotton mouth” – dry mouth and lips
School & work Diminished ability to focus and engage with assignments Decreased attendance Changes in academic or work performance Disregard for rules at school or work
Read more here, including suggestions about communicating: https://drugfree.org/article/marijuana-what-you-need-to-know/

The worst two years of a presidency in modern memory!

Historian Victor Davis Hanson writes,
The ancient human pathology to identify by superficial appearance—to see race, for example, as essential rather than incidental to one’s essence—destroys democracies. It must consciously always be repressed, not cultivated to frighten people to support agendas that are otherwise failing them.
Joe Biden is said to be an inert puppet of left-wing masters. Perhaps. But more likely his cognitive challenges have stripped away his political savvy and left him in the raw, revealing his real essence, a racialist of the first order, who will use any tragedy to salvage what has become the worst two years of a presidency in modern memory. And most of the people now know it.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/22/joe-biden-and-racial-demagoguery/

When he ran for president in 1988

Either Ohio is shaming them or California is creating them!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The fight to save New Mexico's mountain forests

Susan Montoya Bryan reports on efforts in New Mexico to come up with better ideas as to how to stop the annual wildfires in the mountains.
Priceless seeds, sprouts key to US West’s post-fire future
A New Mexico facility where researchers work to restore forests devastated by fires faced an almost cruelly ironic threat: The largest wildfire burning in the U.S. was fast approaching.
Owen Burney and his team knew they had to save what they could. Atop their list was a priceless bank of millions of ponderosa pine, spruce and other conifer seeds meant to help restore fire-ravaged landscapes across the American West.
Next were tens of thousands of tree sprouts, many of which were sown to make them more drought tolerant, that were loaded onto trailers and trucked to a greenhouse about 100 miles (161 kilometers) away.
Read more here: https://apnews.com/article/wildfires-science-fires-climate-and-environment-5723513abe8652b31261e1c4ba9436ad

What did she expect?

Larry Nuemeister reports,
Convicted California lawyer Michael Avenatti wants leniency at sentencing for defrauding former client Stormy Daniels of hundreds of thousands of dollars, his lawyers say, citing a letter in which he told Daniels: “I am truly sorry.”
Last year, Avenatti was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison for trying to extort up to $25 million from Nike by threatening to tarnish its reputation with claims that the sportswear giant was immersed in a college basketball recruiting scandal in which cash payouts were used to steer top-tier athletes to the best programs.
Then he was convicted by a jury this year for pocketing up to $300,000 of an $800,000 payout to Daniels for her autobiography, spending some of the money on his firm’s payroll and personal expenses.
Read more here: https://apnews.com/article/sports-manhattan-new-york-government-and-politics-sentencing-369c1ef699708125ac5d4f674896924e

What is monkeypox?

Sherryn Groch reports,
The monkeypox virus originates in wild animals such as some species of rodents and primates, and occasionally jumps to people. Most human cases have been in central and West Africa, where the disease is endemic but, unlike COVID, it does not spread easily between people except through close contact, including via respiratory droplets and lesions, or touching contaminated clothes, linen or towels.
Health officials around the world are keeping watch for more cases because, for the first time, the disease appears to be spreading among people who didn’t travel to Africa. But they stress that the risk to the general population is low as the virus most commonly spreads from animals directly.
The monkeypox virus originates in wild animals such as some species of rodents and primates, and occasionally jumps to people. Most human cases have been in central and West Africa, where the disease is endemic but, unlike COVID, it does not spread easily between people except through close contact, including via respiratory droplets and lesions, or touching contaminated clothes, linen or towels.
The disease is usually mild, though there are two main strains: the more severe Congo strain, which has a mortality rate of up to 10 per cent of cases, and the West African strain, where the fatality rate is about 1 per cent or less. So far, the UK reports its cases are the West African strain, and further genomic testing is underway around the world.
The illness was first identified by scientists in 1958 after two outbreaks of a “pox-like” disease in research monkeys – thus the name monkeypox. (The first known human infection wasn’t until 1970, in a remote part of Congo.) But scientists now suspect smaller animals such as rodents are the main reservoir of the virus.
Read more here: https://www.smh.com.au/healthcare/what-is-monkeypox-and-should-we-be-worried-20220520-p5an52.html

Friday, May 20, 2022

Now the Washington Post says Hunter's laptop is real, because it contains emails from Tucker Carlson, asking for Hunter's help in getting Tucker's son into a college!

The Washington Post, which steadfastly denied the veracity of the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 election, now uses the laptop to verify a story about Tucker Carlson asking Hunter's help in getting Tucker's son into Georgetown University!
Carlson also said he would not comment on the emails, as they “were described by our [intelligence] community as Russian disinformation. So why would I? And I read that in the Washington Post”.
Tucker Carlsonttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-hunter-biden-georgetown-emails

A "politically motivated hit piece?"

Rich McHugh reports,
A SpaceX flight attendant said Elon Musk exposed himself and propositioned her for sex, documents show. The company paid $250,000 for her silence.
Musk replied,
"If I were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light," he wrote, calling the story a "politically motivated hit piece."
McHugh continues,
The flight attendant told her friend that the billionaire SpaceX and Tesla founder asked her to come to his room during a flight in late 2016 "for a full body massage," the declaration says. When she arrived, the attendant found that Musk "was completely naked except for a sheet covering the lower half of his body." During the massage, the declaration says, Musk "exposed his genitals" and then "touched her and offered to buy her a horse if she would 'do more,' referring to the performance of sex acts." Read more here: https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5
Read more here: https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5

ESG: Especially Sleazy Governance

Are you familiar with ESGs? Christopher Horner reports,
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. It is a political ranking system posing as a credit rating system, which creates various “scores” based on a variety of fashionable political factors. ESG is designed to strangle disfavored industries from access to the capital markets.
MarketWatch reports that an S&P ‘ESG’ index has dumped electric car manufacturer Tesla from its ranks. In response, Tesla founder Musk tweeted his view that the ESG label is a “scam.”
Read more here: https://the-pipeline.org/especially-sleazy-government-musk-cries-scam-on-esg/

Weakness is much more likely to lead to war!

Daniel Greenfield and David Horowitz write,
It's obvious that Obama’s feckless surrender of Crimea, and Biden’s disastrous desertion of Afghanistan and hands-off policy while Putin massed his troops on Ukraine’s border emboldened the psychopath to attempt the unthinkable. If he gets away with it, what then?
Revulsion against the shame Americans felt at Biden’s cowardly debacle in Afghanistan undoubtedly lies at the root of Americans’ widespread support for the aid packages to Ukraine.
Tucker is right to be suspicious of the woke and feeble Pentagon brass, multinational institutions and the political establishment. Under President Trump, this crisis would not have occurred. There’s a reason that both of Putin’s invasions of Ukraine took place under White House Democrats. That’s also why Russia’s Alaska incursions flared up under Obama and Biden. Weakness is much more likely to bring on a war. Abandoning the Ukrainians would be a sign of crippling weakness.
Ordinary Ukrainians may end up saving Biden from the consequences of his incompetence. But if they do, they will have averted wars in Europe and Asia at a fraction of the cost of a world war. Even the Iraq War cost over $2 trillion. Preventing a war for a few billion and not a single American soldier wounded or killed in action would be a bargain. And maybe Alaska Command will be seeing fewer Tu-95 Bears in the skies. That is as real as realpolitik gets.
Read more here: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/05/why-tucker-carlson-and-isolationist-right-are-david-horowitz-and-daniel-greenfield/

The disastrous Biden administration

Victor Davis Hanson asks,
If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what Joe Biden has done?
Never in U.S. history has an administration simply canceled immigration laws, opened the border, and welcomed in millions of illegal aliens. All arrive illegally, and without audit, or vaccinations and tests in times of a pandemic.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/18/is-bidens-success-our-mess/

Plastic-eating Enzyme Could Eliminate Billions of Tons of Landfill Waste!

The University of Texas at Austin has some very good news!
AUSTIN, Texas — An enzyme variant created by engineers and scientists at The University of Texas at Austin can break down environment-throttling plastics that typically take centuries to degrade in just a matter of hours to days.
This discovery, published today in Nature, could help solve one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems: what to do with the billions of tons of plastic waste piling up in landfills and polluting our natural lands and water. The enzyme has the potential to supercharge recycling on a large scale that would allow major industries to reduce their environmental impact by recovering and reusing plastics at the molecular level.
Read more here: https://news.utexas.edu/2022/04/27/plastic-eating-enzyme-could-eliminate-billions-of-tons-of-landfill-waste/

Freudian slip!

We will not control it!

It is too late to buy a flame thrower from Elon Musk, but did you know that we are all collectively programming the A.I.? A.I. is in large part our id writ large! One thing for sure: we will not control it! If you cannot be it, join it! If you want a flying car, put some wheels on a helicopter!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Michelle Obama is now a womxn!

Enough Fentanyl coming across the border to kill every American seven times!

The plan!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Creepy and eye-opening!

No formula for you, but plenty at the border!

But the message to illegal immigrants is, "Come! We will subsidize your child-rearing! Even if we have to take baby formula from American families!"

Are you sure you want science to guide us?

Natalie Winters reports,
Read more here: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/05/16/study-finds-correlation-between-mask-compliance-and-covid-deaths/

Few wish to follow!

Victor Davis Hanson writes,
Lots of disasters have contributed to the current perilous state of affairs, including the precipitous American retreat from and humiliation in Afghanistan. Add in voluntary cutbacks in oil and gas production by the West, and the subsequent embarrassment of a superpower beseeching thuggish regimes to send us their energy.
The politicized transformation of the U.S. military from a meritocratic force focused on wartime lethality into an extension of the social welfare state driven by diversity, equity and inclusion has encouraged our enemies to take risks they otherwise might not have taken.
There is also a revolutionary vacuum occurring abroad. Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are trying to figure out whether there is still any old-style American deterrence, or whether the woke progressives now in power in Washington dislike the customs and traditions of the United States even more than they do.
In the West in general, and in the United States particularly, we are seeing a final fruition of decades of woke self-loathing. The sight of a pride flag flying on the Kabul embassy as the most lavishly supplied and funded military force in history scrambled to fly home, abandoning allies and employees, was a bitter metaphor of the arrogance, ignorance, and impotence of woke ideology.
The idea of meritocracy is disappearing, replaced by woke reparatory fixations on race, in the manner the ideologically correct Soviet commissariat destroyed Russian institutions or Mao’s cultural revolutionary insanity destroyed millions of Chinese.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/15/the-cycles-of-revolutions-in-our-midst/

Friday, May 13, 2022

There are big bucks involved in the rioting industry!

Athena Thorne observes,
Looks like a pretty safe bet that the summer riots of 2022 will be about women’s “rights,” complete with marching vulvas and Handmaid cosplay platoons. But you never know. Polls have been showing that minorities, who are usually reliable Democrat voters, have been souring on the party, so there’s always a chance we’ll pivot to race riots. But then again, anti-SCOTUS march organizers have been performing logic corkscrews in an attempt to loop in the LGBTQ brigade, so maybe that cause will hold sway after all. But one thing’s certain: we’re going to see another summer of riots.
Riots — or at the very least, large-scale organized protests (LOPs, for the sake of this article) — have become an industry, complete with its own infrastructure and professional workforce, and there are big bucks involved. Rioting isn’t going away any time soon.
When President Obama was sworn in, disruptive LOPs immediately came to the forefront. Almost as soon as the “Lightworker” took office, banks and insurance companies were besieged by mobs that intimidated employees entering and leaving their workplaces. These actions were coordinated with Obama and the Left as they pushed radical policy changes, such as nationalized healthcare or lower-threshold mortgages for favored constituencies. Targeted companies were demonized by the White House and simultaneously terrorized by LOPs to apply maximum pressure.
At the same time, the Obama administration abused its authority to compel corporations to fork over billions of dollars to “community organizing” Leftist activist groups. This technique had been mined for years by rabble-rousers such as Jesse Jackson (and his Rainbow PUSH Coalition) and Al Sharpton, but the Obama administration levied the force of the federal government to bring it to an entirely new level. Eric Holder’s DOJ prosecuted targeted corporations, which were allowed to atone for their sins by forking over billions that were redistributed to Marxist protest factories.
When local street thug George Floyd died of a likely fentanyl overdose while a cop knelt on his neck, the system kicked into high gear. Riots erupted, Democrats hyperventilated, and corporations poured billions into the coffers of Big Protest.
Radical Leftist non-profits put the money to good use, adding office space and manpower and building partnerships with various service providers. You didn’t think all those Race and Gender Power Structures degrees were going unused, did you? LOP production is a massive industry.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/05/11/riots-are-now-an-establishment-industry-and-will-happen-every-summer-n1596809

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Summing up the overall consequences of the failed and panicky response to the Wuhan flu

Robert Zimmerman reports,
Since March 2020 I have repeatedly written that the response to the Wuhan flu was an utter mindless panic that had little to do with the facts. Right off the bat, the facts, not the models, suggested the virus would resemble the flu most of all, a possible mortal threat to the sick and elderly but generally nothing more than a short sickness to the general population, with it being almost utterly harmless to the young.
Second COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows Girls Are Developing genital ulcers After Getting the Pfizer Covid-19 “Vaccine” 1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study Walgreens – Unvaxxed are testing positive for Covid-19 at the lowest rate, Triple Vaxxed at the highest Five new data points indicate cataclysmic level of vaccine injury Analysis of Offical Government data finds Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of Death due to all-causes in all Age-Groups Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Limits Use of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to Certain Individuals Pfizer documents: Over 1,200 people died during Pfizer vaccine trials
Masks These face diapers have been the ultimate symbol illustrating the mindless panic by governments and health officials during the epidemic. No study before the arrival of the Wuhan flu had ever found masks much use in preventing the spread of this kind of respiratory virus. All studies — for the past century — had instead showed the limited value of masks, even if used properly (as shown in the pre-2020 but still valid WHO graphic to the right). Since no one has ever used them properly, the masks instead became an unsanitary and dirty piece of cloth placed where people breathed and thus likely increased they chances of getting sick. The data now proves this conclusion, which was obvious in 2020, when the first mask mandates were being imposed irrationally.
Sadly, the COVID shot and mask mandates were not the only bad policies imposed by govenments. The following stories document some of the others, such as the sudden demand that everyone clean surfaces obsessively, even though respiratory viruses have always been known to almost never transmit in that manner. We didn’t know for sure at first with COVID, but by May 2020 the data clearly showed the virus was like the flu, and did not require such rules. Yet, two years later people are still compulsively cleaning things over and over again, for no reason.
The harm done to children with the school closures and mask mandates cannot be measured. The future of society will certainly suffer by their suffering. Worse, that harm will be compounded by the repeated violation by government officials of the Bill of Rights and the law. The next generations will not only be more ignorant, they will be more used to living in a society that abuses power nonchalantly.
Finally, there have been a plethora of studies summing up the overall consequences of the failed and panicky response to the Wuhan flu. The first story is especially important, as it found that states run by Democrats with the most mandates did the worst (New Jersey, New York, California, Illinois and Washington, D.C.) while states with the fewest mandates did the best (Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, and Florida). Final Report Card on State Responses to COVID-19 7 Covid ‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Came True FDA: Americans Should Treat COVID-19 Like The Flu
acts and Fiction, Science and non-science [As of Mother’s Day 2022]: Covid-19 is still around, and there will be ‘Hot Spots’…Fact, true, forever. Covid-19 will become more dangerous and deadly as new strains appear…Fiction, and is already becoming a minor illness for most people. Covid-19 can be “cured”…Fiction, and the body will fight it off similar to any viral infection; and generate natural immunity. Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters will prevent infection…Fiction, total fiction. The vaccines, no matter how many, will not prevent infection. Vaccines with boosters will only decrease the likelihood of severe infections possibly leading to hospitalizations and death. Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters will prevent spread and prevent transmitting the disease to others…Fiction, total fiction. Covid-19 infection is prevented by masks, face shields, and quarantining…Fiction. Covid-19 forced nasal swabs requirements prior to travel and to reenter the USA prevent Covid-19…Fiction. When will the US Gov’t. stop requiring nasal swabs to re-enter the USA, especially with many businesses calling to abolish this [people afraid to travel thinking that they might get stranded out of country]; as well as allowing 1-2 Million illegal border crossers to just come into the USA without testing and without vaccinations? Covid-19 vaccination #4 [Booster on top of a Booster] will provide significant and prolonged additional immunity…Fiction. Covid-19 vaccines are generally safe…Fact. Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions are grossly underreported [VAERS]…Fact.

The traditional bedrocks of the American system are dissolving!

Victor Davis Hanson gives many examples of
The traditional bedrocks of the American system—a stable economy, energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible criminal justice system—are dissolving.
When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, and face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we shall see over the next few months.
Read the whole thing here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/11/imagine-the-unimaginable/

America Last!

Paul Bedard reports,
The nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent mothers desperately rushing from store to store has evaded one lucky group: illegal immigrants detained by Border Patrol.
According to videos posted by a Florida lawmaker, the Biden administration has been shipping “pallets” of baby formula to migrant holding facilities.
“They are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border,” said Republican Rep. Kat Cammack in one of two online postings yesterday. “Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula,” she added, holding a photo of empty shelves where the formula would be.
Read more here: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/illegal-migrants-first-to-get-pallets-of-hard-to-find-baby-formula

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

How Musk is helping the U.S. military dominate space

Steve Greene shows how Elon Musk is privatizing world peace! Steve links to this article by Tanmay Kadam:
Of late, Chinese military observers have been increasingly concerned about the potential of SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network in helping the US military dominate space, especially so, in the wake of the Ukraine war, where Elon Musk activated Starlink satellites to restore communications that had stopped because of shelling by the Russian troops.
Read the whole thing here: https://eurasiantimes.com/china-deeply-alarmed-by-spacexs-starlink-capabilities-usa/

Myths about abortion

Kevin Downey Jr, writes about abortion myths:
Myth 1: It’s easier to get a gun than an abortion
Abortion has been a federal right for almost 50 years. Any adult “birthing person” can procure an abortion in all 50 states. Depending on her/his/their financial status, abortions can be free. As far as I know, there are no clinics giving away guns.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/columns/kevindowneyjr/2022/05/09/victim-card-denied-six-lefty-abortion-myths-debunked-n1595916

Pelosi gives a wink-wink, nudge-nudge to the illegal practice of harassing Supreme Court Justices at home

Stephen Kruiser writes,
I’ve paid a lot of attention to Pelosi since she first became Speaker and I’ve always been stunned by the fact that the woman is an absolute train wreck whenever she’s near a microphone or a camera. Long before we were being subjected to the incoherent ramblings of the village idiot in the Oval Office right now, Granny Boxwine was barfing up word salads on the regular.
On the rare occasions that she does make sense, she says something remarkably stupid, like giving a wink-wink, nudge-nudge to the illegal practice of harassing Supreme Court Justices at home
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2022/05/11/the-morning-briefing-nancy-pelosi-should-probably-stop-getting-drunk-before-work-n1596762

We're closing nuclear plants down so the "right" people can make more money selling you less energy!

Stephen Greene writes,
Nuclear is much cleaner than solar or wind, producing far less waste and requiring two orders of magnitude less real estate per unit of energy produced.
But we’re closing nuclear plants down so the “right” people can make more money selling you less energy.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/05/10/insanity-wrap-pizza-hut-is-everything-wrong-with-america-today-n1596572

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Pelosi is all but encouraging and justifying violence against the justices!

Rick Moran writes,
the biggest non-surprise of all is that Biden doing nothing about prominent Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) all but encouraging and justifying violence against the justices.
This should concern Attorney General Merrick Garland. But the man who wanted to sic the FBI on parents protesting at school board meetings — a purely local matter — is predictably quiet when federal judges are under threat from a hysterical mob of left-wing crazies.
Garland is just Biden’s errand boy. He does what he’s told to do. But Pelosi’s veiled threats against the justices, claiming that some anger is justified and should be encouraged, puts the Speaker outside the lines of acceptable behavior in a volatile political atmosphere.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2022/05/10/pelosi-encourages-protesters-righteous-anger-in-marching-illegally-in-front-of-justices-homes-n1596575

A Congresswoman is voting no!

Number one out of fifty!

Will the Twitter employees self-deport?

Ace reports,
Musk says he'll be reinstating Trump's twitter account. He calls Trump's banning "morally wrong" and "flat-out stupid."
More interesting is his statement that he'll be firing one thousand twitter employees. He also says that Twitter has a clear left-wing bias in its moderation policy, and that that bias might be due to its San Francisco headquarters. Zero Hedge supposes that might mean a move of the HQ to Texas. If he moves the HQ to a place in Texas which is not Austin but somewhere which is more real Texas, maybe those 1000 leftwing Twitter employees would "self-deport" for him.
Read more here: https://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=399065

Fighting to end child sex trafficking!

Sending 40 billion dollars to a far-off war while our babies go hungry!

Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment?

My regular readers know I have immense respect for Sundance, proprieter of The Last Refuge and Conservative Treehouse blogs. Sundance writes,
Repeal the 17th amendment and you will see the most significant restoration of freedom, liberty and social balance in our lifetime.
I will continue to read Sundance daily, and hopefully will soon get a good enough understanding of the issues so that I can write about it here. Read Sundance here: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/03/part-i-the-solution-deconstructing-the-fourth-branch-of-government/

Putting pressure on the justices

Kyle Shideler writes,
Following the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, left-wing organizers have swept into action, launching rallies and events designed to put pressure on the justices. Over the Mother’s Day Weekend protestors forced Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to an undisclosed location and carried out disruptive demonstrations outside — and in some cases inside — a number of churches including New York’s St. Patrick Cathedral, where a picture of pro-life Catholics blocking the entrance to the church from screaming protestors went viral.
While the left’s ability to rapidly throw together color-coordinated protest groups is well known, in this case, there is more to Rise Up 4 Abortion than meets the eye. An examination of the group’s website suggests the group is little more than a front for the radical Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), a Maoist organization founded by ‘60s radical Bob Avakian, a former leader of the Anti-war Students for a Democratic Society.
Tension between anarchist groups and more hierarchical communist groups is not uncommon among the radical left, but it does raise important questions. If even Antifa knows that the presence of the RCP at protests is bad news, why can’t Hillary Clinton and other Democrats come to the same conclusion?
Read more here: https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/09/hillary-endorsed-abortion-group-targeting-churches-is-a-front-for-revolutionary-communists/

Weakening evil and strengthening the cause of freedom!

CBD writes,
It is easy to fall into the trap that we -- the individual -- are powerless to effect change. But that is simply not the case. Every time you pass by a Chinese communist product on the shelf and buy the American version you are weakening the evil and strengthening the cause of freedom, however far from its roots we may be. And there is ample evidence that the Chinese communist economy is a house of cards, teetering on the abyss and propped up by compliant Western governments that cannot resist its graft and corruption.
So a vote here and a vote there, and a few Chinese products rejected, multiplied by tens of millions of patriotic Americans may be just the push needed!
Read more here: https://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=399030

Pulling out all the stops to prevent Elon Musk from taking over Twitter!

Robert Spencer asks,
How much do the political elites hate the freedom of speech? Enough to pull out all the stops to prevent self-professed “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk from taking over Twitter. Now the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is stepping in to “review” Musk’s purchase of Twitter, looking into whether or not the takeover violates antitrust laws.
Yes, you read that right. Fox News reported Thursday that the FTC is “setting up a deadline for a possible antitrust review.” According to the FTC itself, “for over 100 years, the antitrust laws have had the same basic objective: to protect the process of competition for the benefit of consumers, making sure there are strong incentives for businesses to operate efficiently, keep prices down, and keep quality up.” By that standard, the FTC should be thrilled at the prospect of Musk taking over Twitter, as his commitment to the freedom of speech is a sharp departure from the monochrome Leftism of Google, Facebook, and Twitter as we have known it up to now. Musk doesn’t threaten competition; he represents competition.
If the FTC is genuinely worried about protecting “the process of competition for the benefit of consumers,” it should be investigating the other social media giants for their lockstep enforcement of policies that restrict the speech of those who dissent from the Left’s agenda. That’s the real monopoly here, and it is Elon Musk who has broken it.
If Musk owned a number of other social media companies, the FTC might have some cause for concern. But Tesla makes electric cars. SpaceX is all about space exploration. Neuralink is a neuroscience company. The Boring Company is devoted to developing high-speed travel methods. Musk’s purchase of Twitter will bring the number of social media companies he owns to one.
So why is the FTC even considering an antitrust review of Twitter? The answer is obvious: the FTC is part of today’s political establishment, which is dominated by Leftists who don’t believe in the freedom of speech and are trying to destroy it in the name of stamping out “hate speech” and disinformation. The FTC today is full of people who believe that Old Joe Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board is a grand idea, and that their friends, colleagues, and allies ought to have the power to silence anyone who says things they believe are false, hateful, or damaging in whatever way.
Read more here: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/05/08/now-the-ftc-is-going-after-musk-over-twitter-n1596125

Monday, May 09, 2022

Disastrous decisions by the Supreme Court

Mike Konrad writes,
The Dred Scott decision said that a slave was not freed when entering a free state, nor could he be. Couple that with the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act, and what that meant was that slaves, as slaves, could be brought to every state of the Union, without an alteration of status. Effectively, the Supreme Court had forced the institution of slavery upon the North.
Realizing that, the full horror of the Dred Scott decision becomes clear. Free States were jurisprudentially declared null and void. One could bring his slaves to Massachusetts, so any pretense of a Free State was lost. The South had won in the courts. Again, so much for Southern appreciation of state’s rights.
And a similar situation is what America will soon face regarding Roe v. Wade.
Roe v. Wade was a disaster in 1973. It forced all states to be Abortion States, just as the Dred Scott decision forced all states to be Slave States. A proposed national Abortion Rights law by the Democrats would be just as devastating. That would be Dred Scott III, as Roe v. Wade was already Dred Scott II.
Read more here: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/05/abortion_is_dred_scott_redux.html

The worldwide war on motherhood

Frances Martel believes there is a war on motherhood.
Despondent as the situation may seem in the West, nowhere is the war on motherhood more violent and revolting than in China. For decades, China imposed a “one-child policy” that banned women from having more than one successful pregnancy. Women who “illegally” got pregnant a second time were forced into harrowing government abortions or infanticides if caught. Given that they could only have one child, many women were pressured into ensuring that child was a son, resulting in an untold number of baby girls being left out to die of starvation or exposure, sometimes in marketplaces or other public areas.
The result of this policy is that China currently has 35 million more men than women and one of the world’s worst birth rates due to the severe shortage of women of child-bearing age. The Communist Party increased the “one-child policy” to a “three-child policy” in 2021, which has had no effect on the birth rate collapse.
Read more here: https://www.breitbart.com/health/2022/05/08/mothers-day-2022-the-real-reproductive-rights-battle-isnt-abortion-its-to-have-and-raise-children/

An administration that refuses to condemn these divisive, destructive, damaging tactics!

Fuzzy Slippers reports, Clarence Thomas spoke at a judicial conference in Atlanta:
As a society, “we are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don’t like,” Thomas said.
“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that.”
“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that.”
. . . . So why the preference for terror, fear and rage on an issue where the public remains deeply conflicted? I have two thoughts. The first is that many Democratic elites really do not trust the American people. They have a resilient belief that a huge segment of this country is rotten, bigoted, racist and, yes, deplorable. Here’s the president today: “I’m not prepared to leave [abortion policy] to the whims of the public at the moment in local areas.” Whims of the public! We used to call that democracy.
Fuzzy Slippers adds,
There is nothing wrong with working to try to change/repeal/overturn laws, even High Court rulings, with which we disagree. In a functioning Constitutional Republic, that is what we do to affect the changes we seek to public policy, laws, regulations, etc.
There is everything wrong with showing up at the homes of justices (and elected officials) with whom you disagree in order to bully and intimidate them into bending to your will. There is everything wrong with rioting, burning, looting, and murdering when you don’t get your way. There is everything wrong with an administration that refuses to condemn these divisive, destructive, damaging tactics.

Mask mandates

Randomized clinical trials conducted before the pandemic had repeatedly shown that masks did little or no good at preventing viral spread, but the CDC proclaimed them effective against Covid and promoted mask mandates nationwide. As the pandemic wore on, federal health officials looked for excuses to justify the lockdowns and mandates, hyping flawed studies and cherry-picked data, while failing to sponsor rigorous research testing their strategies.
They stubbornly ignored the hundreds of studies around the world showing that, except in a few isolated places, lockdowns did not reduce Covid mortality and that mask mandates were generally ineffective and senselessly cruel in classrooms. The most glaring evidence came from places with the least restrictive policies, like Florida, along with the Nordic countries Sweden, Finland, and Norway, which avoided lockdowns and mask mandates—yet did as well as, or better than, the average in preventing both Covid deaths and overall mortality during the course of the pandemic.
Read more here: https://www.city-journal.org/after-pandemic-americans-must-never-surrender-core-liberties-again

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Are we getting the best qualified people in government jobs?

Glenn Beaton reports,
Americans deserve the best qualified people serving in their government. I strongly suspect that Biden’s obsession with gender and race means we’re not getting them there, and soon won’t get them anywhere.
What I do object to is the abolition of merit. High level government posts are very important and difficult jobs. Some of these people no doubt perform those jobs ably, but some probably don’t. When you hire people on the basis of skin color and sexual habits, rather than merit, that happens. Moreover, abolishing merit has a snowballing effect. When people realize that they are not rewarded for being meritorious, fewer and fewer will go to the effort of it.
Read more here: https://theaspenbeat.com/2022/05/08/bidens-nominee-for-director-of-the-cia-is-an-autistic-black-transsexual-cocaine-addict/

Abortion groups hit the streets!

Andrea Cavallier reports,
Antifa vandals hurled at least one Molotov cocktail into offices of an anti-abortion group in Wisconsin and scrawled a chilling message on the wall that read: 'If abortions aren't safe you aren't either.'
The Antifa symbol - a capital 'A' inside a circle - was also scrawled on the wall, as well as the numbers 1312 - a code for the letters ACAB, which stand for 'All Cops Are Bastards'
If the ruling is overturned by the conservative-dominated court - with Republicans having a 6 - 3 majority - it would give individual states the power to decide on whether to ban abortion. The Guttmacher Institute, a pro-choice research group, has said that 26 states are 'certain or likely' to ban abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Next Saturday, America is expecting a 'massive' day of action with nationwide rallies organized by Planned Parenthood, UltraViolet, Women's March and MoveOn.
Read more here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10794791/Antifa-goons-hurl-Molotov-cocktail-offices-Wisconsin-anti-abortion-group.html

No more censors!

Nick Arama reports,
According to a plan that Elon Musk has reportedly laid out for investors, he intends to be the temporary CEO once he takes control and to can 1,000 staffers right away. Ultimately, he’s going to add more people, to the company, mostly engineering people over three years. It doesn’t sound like they’re going to be hiring more content moderation people (otherwise known as censors).
Read more here: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2022/05/07/elon-details-his-new-plans-for-twitter-woke-staff-isnt-going-to-like-this-n561395

Reactions to the Supreme Court leaked draft

Elizabeth Nolan Brown writes,
The leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade continues to spawn confusion, anger, anxiety, and ample predictions. Today I'm going to hone in on some of these reactions to the draft opinion, starting with people questioning some key claims within it.
The February draft—published Monday by Politico and verified as authentic by Chief Justice John Roberts—concerns the case of a 15-week abortion ban in Mississippi (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization). It was penned by Justice Samuel Alito and is labeled as the opinion of the Court. In it, Alito writes that the Court must overturn both Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), the main legal precedents upon which abortion rights in America are based.
Read more here: https://reason.com/2022/05/04/alitos-draft-opinion-that-would-overturn-roe-is-a-disaster-of-legal-reasoning/

What it is like living under communism!

Francis Turner give examples of what it is like living under communism.
Communism was tried for quite a lot of the last century. It didn’t work anywhere and caused the death of at least 100 million people. Don’t believe the propagandists who are pushing it today.
Read the whole thing here: https://ombreolivier.liberty.me/communism/

Suppress, pressure, collude, squash!

Patrick Reilly reports,
Two Republican-led states have reportedly filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden and other top administration officials, alleging they “pressured and colluded” with Big Tech companies to squash The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story and censor information related to COVID-19’s lab origins.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Nina Jankowicz — the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) new and controversial “Disinformation Governance Board” were among the other top officials and federal agencies named as defendants in the suit, which was filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana.
The suit specifically accuses the government of suppression in the case of The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story, the theory that COVID-19 stemmed from a Wuhan lab, the effectiveness of wearing masks to stop the spread of COVID-19 and the security of mail-in voting during the pandemic.
Read more here: https://nypost.com/2022/05/05/biden-sued-for-colluding-with-big-tech-to-suppress-free-speech-on-hunter-laptop/

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Are we forgetting our young men?

Anthony Esolen writes,
it would require the well-directed strength of young men to make our cities healthy once more, and to raise strong families of responsible citizens.
Many a boy languishes in school because he finds no arrow there. Things are staid, routine. Perhaps there are arrows to pick up now and again, if you are the sort of boy who will look for them and not be too discouraged, and if the arrows available are fit for the kind of shooting you want to do. But the failure of boys in school—not this boy or that boy, but boys by the millions, despite the fact, attested by empirical investigation and the evidence of history, that they are at least the equals of their sisters in intelligence—suggests that the schools are quite simply bad for them. They stunt their growth. Intellectually and practically, the boys are like pale and spindly plants that have been kept indoors all the days of their lives.
And yet, obviously, we need these boys; it is criminally negligent to deny it. Consider how many young black men, in particular, are languishing, because their schools are—at their best—no great shakes, and because they lack the fathers in the home who would train them up in skill and strength.
Everywhere you turn your eye in the United States, you will find ugliness, disrepair, vandalism, buildings left to rot—and unemployed or underemployed young men, disheartened, not worth marrying, and ready to cause trouble, since they can cause so little else.
Read more here: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/06/the-world-does-not-run-on-magic/

Implementing a culture and national spirit of love , support, justice, and human flourishing!

Julia Dandoy reports,
Politico broke the story earlier this week that it had obtained a draft of the Supreme Court’s majority ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization via an anonymous source. Written by Justice Samuel Alito, the decision is a repudiation of Roe that would send the abortion debate back to the states, if adopted.
The physician must violate his oath to “do no harm.” The mother is violently separated from her child and risks psychological and physical harm. Finally, the father abdicates his responsibility to protect his child—or he is forced to sit helplessly on the sidelines. Collectively, this one procedure not only ends the life of a blameless child but also tears the traditional family structure to shreds. This is by definition misanthropic.
Pro-lifers must also grow in charity even more than they already have. Many women will be left frightened and alone. The pro-life movement should give them no doubt where they can turn for help. Joining or supporting organizations such as crisis pregnancy centers—which help expectant mothers financially, medically, and emotionally—help to further a culture of life in America.
Misanthropy must be called out and replaced with a philosophy that holds a thriving mankind as its ultimate end goal. In the face of this vile ideology, the pro-life movement must be the inverse: implementing a culture and national spirit of love, support, justice, and human flourishing.
Read more here: https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/05/07/lefts-reaction-to-leaked-supreme-court-abortion-decision-exposes-its-misanthropy/

Inciting violence!

The Washington Examiner reminds us,
federal law prohibits picketing or parading in front of the home of a judge, juror, witness, or officer of the court under pain of up to one year in prison. Efforts to intimidate people within the legal system are an offense against judicial independence, a key prerequisite to democracy. If protesters want to demonstrate outside the Supreme Court, that is fine. But going into a judge’s neighborhood and marching in front of his or her home is too far. It is a dangerous act of intimidation that should be roundly criticized.
The Biden administration has instead chosen to encourage such illegal protests, and this is worthy of condemnation.
Far-left extremist groups have not only published the home addresses of the conservative Supreme Court justices who are reportedly considering overturning Roe v. Wade, but they are also paying protesters to march to their homes next Wednesday.
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki was given no less than four chances to condemn plans by far-left groups to pay activists to protest at the homes of justices. She declined every opportunity. “Look, I think the president’s view is that there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document,” Psaki said. “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest.” She appeared unaware that the U.S. government already has a position on this.
Meanwhile, other Democrats, such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), have made intimidating comments that smack of threats. Schumer once stated that justices will pay personally if they vote against Roe. “I want to tell you, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” Schumer said before the court heard a case on a Louisiana abortion law in 2020. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
Telling justices they will personally “pay the price” if they vote against Roe and then sending activists to their doorsteps is an incitement to violence.
Some of the justices have young children — as do other families in these neighborhoods. President Joe Biden and Schumer are putting these children in harm's way by not loudly condemning these far-left groups that are paying activists to protest in front of these homes.
If someone gets hurt, Biden and Schumer will absolutely be responsible.
Read more here: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/biden-is-encouraging-illegal-intimidation-of-justices?

"We are not the truth police!"

"If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you'd do it!"

Selwyn Duke writes,
It has been odd and alarming watching the powers-that-be relentlessly escalate the proxy war our government is waging against Russia. It's not just that we're sending billions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, are calling Vladimir Putin a war criminal and issuing other fightin' words, are training Ukrainian troops, and are trying to effect Moscow's economic destruction. It's also that, senior American officials have now revealed, via intelligence aid, the U.S. has helped to: kill Moscow's generals, down a plane carrying Russian soldiers, and sink one of Putin's warships.
The kicker: By revealing this publicly — perhaps as strikingly inappropriate as leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion — Biden administration officials appear to be bragging about these "exploits" and rubbing the Russians' noses in them. If you wanted to provoke a hot war, this is exactly how you'd do it.
For certain is that cementing total power requires something Marxist revolutionaries would call "crisis," the third stage of communist subversion. The first, "demoralization," is the undermining of the nation's moral foundation; Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov said this was "more than complete" in the mid-'80s already. The second, "destabilization," is what we've seen with the violence, the toppling of statues, and the intensified attacks on our institutions over the last many years. Now, all we need is a crisis and what it facilitates: revolution — a final seizure of power.
Read more here: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/05/is_the_left_agitating_for_war_with_russia_so_it_can_cement_domestic_tyranny.html

Friday, May 06, 2022

"They thought they had SCOTUS in their back pocket. And now this."

JJ Sefton includes some remarks about Obama in today's Morning Report.
Remember, Obama was the one (heh) who kept going on and on about the Constitution needing to be trashed because it was a compendium of what he called "negative rights." I doubt he came up with that but the crux of the biscuit is that he hates the Constitution because it protects the individual while constraining an all-powerful State. To him, that is a negative - mostly because he views himself as the State. And so, here we are. Everything crashing in on the Left and worse, crashing down on our heads as a result of what they have done. They've stolen elections, they have a virtually uncheckable bureaucracy and they thought they had SCOTUS in their back pocket. And now this.
Read more here: https://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=399008

Courage? Decency? You must have the wrong number!

She knows that voice!

"He promised us a return to normal. He has delivered war and economic collapse!"

Biden's plan: tork up the fear, criminalize the opposition, ban complaining.