Monday, May 30, 2022

Not fit!

Robert Spencer covered Joe Biden's speech to the Naval Academy yesterday.
Old Joe Biden took his president act to Annapolis Friday, giving a bizarre teleprompter reading to the U.S. Naval Academy class of 2022 that demonstrated before the watching world yet again that this is not a man who is fit to perform the job he is supposed to be doing. From the creepy whispering and outright lies to the unaccountable shouting and mangled verbiage, the Navy grads were treated to a tour de force Biden performance and one that once again raised the question of why anyone ever thought it would be a good idea to install this man in the Oval Office.
The speech hit the usual nonsensical far-Left talking points. We heard, for instance, that COVID-19 had accelerated climate change: “Over the past few years, we’ve seen how interconnected the world is. The deadly pandemic has impacted not just our own schooling, but almost every aspect of our lives — impacts of disruptions to the global supply chain causing significant inflation; accelerating the climate crisis that’s leading to rising seas and more severe weather patterns arou- — around the globe.”
How’s that again, Joe? A pandemic led to warmer global temperatures? This kind of ridiculous statement illustrates why fewer and fewer people “trust the science” these days; this isn’t any kind of genuine science at all. It’s pure superstition. Joe famously claims to be Catholic, while cheerfully flouting the actual teaching of his Church; in this case, however, he was giving vent to pure paganism: apparently, the pandemic angered Gaia, who decided to turn the thermostat up on those rebellious humans even more than she had already.

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