Thursday, May 12, 2022

Summing up the overall consequences of the failed and panicky response to the Wuhan flu

Robert Zimmerman reports,
Since March 2020 I have repeatedly written that the response to the Wuhan flu was an utter mindless panic that had little to do with the facts. Right off the bat, the facts, not the models, suggested the virus would resemble the flu most of all, a possible mortal threat to the sick and elderly but generally nothing more than a short sickness to the general population, with it being almost utterly harmless to the young.
Second COVID booster shot extends protection for just a few weeks, study shows Girls Are Developing genital ulcers After Getting the Pfizer Covid-19 “Vaccine” 1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study Walgreens – Unvaxxed are testing positive for Covid-19 at the lowest rate, Triple Vaxxed at the highest Five new data points indicate cataclysmic level of vaccine injury Analysis of Offical Government data finds Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of Death due to all-causes in all Age-Groups Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Limits Use of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to Certain Individuals Pfizer documents: Over 1,200 people died during Pfizer vaccine trials
Masks These face diapers have been the ultimate symbol illustrating the mindless panic by governments and health officials during the epidemic. No study before the arrival of the Wuhan flu had ever found masks much use in preventing the spread of this kind of respiratory virus. All studies — for the past century — had instead showed the limited value of masks, even if used properly (as shown in the pre-2020 but still valid WHO graphic to the right). Since no one has ever used them properly, the masks instead became an unsanitary and dirty piece of cloth placed where people breathed and thus likely increased they chances of getting sick. The data now proves this conclusion, which was obvious in 2020, when the first mask mandates were being imposed irrationally.
Sadly, the COVID shot and mask mandates were not the only bad policies imposed by govenments. The following stories document some of the others, such as the sudden demand that everyone clean surfaces obsessively, even though respiratory viruses have always been known to almost never transmit in that manner. We didn’t know for sure at first with COVID, but by May 2020 the data clearly showed the virus was like the flu, and did not require such rules. Yet, two years later people are still compulsively cleaning things over and over again, for no reason.
The harm done to children with the school closures and mask mandates cannot be measured. The future of society will certainly suffer by their suffering. Worse, that harm will be compounded by the repeated violation by government officials of the Bill of Rights and the law. The next generations will not only be more ignorant, they will be more used to living in a society that abuses power nonchalantly.
Finally, there have been a plethora of studies summing up the overall consequences of the failed and panicky response to the Wuhan flu. The first story is especially important, as it found that states run by Democrats with the most mandates did the worst (New Jersey, New York, California, Illinois and Washington, D.C.) while states with the fewest mandates did the best (Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, and Florida). Final Report Card on State Responses to COVID-19 7 Covid ‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Came True FDA: Americans Should Treat COVID-19 Like The Flu
acts and Fiction, Science and non-science [As of Mother’s Day 2022]: Covid-19 is still around, and there will be ‘Hot Spots’…Fact, true, forever. Covid-19 will become more dangerous and deadly as new strains appear…Fiction, and is already becoming a minor illness for most people. Covid-19 can be “cured”…Fiction, and the body will fight it off similar to any viral infection; and generate natural immunity. Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters will prevent infection…Fiction, total fiction. The vaccines, no matter how many, will not prevent infection. Vaccines with boosters will only decrease the likelihood of severe infections possibly leading to hospitalizations and death. Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters will prevent spread and prevent transmitting the disease to others…Fiction, total fiction. Covid-19 infection is prevented by masks, face shields, and quarantining…Fiction. Covid-19 forced nasal swabs requirements prior to travel and to reenter the USA prevent Covid-19…Fiction. When will the US Gov’t. stop requiring nasal swabs to re-enter the USA, especially with many businesses calling to abolish this [people afraid to travel thinking that they might get stranded out of country]; as well as allowing 1-2 Million illegal border crossers to just come into the USA without testing and without vaccinations? Covid-19 vaccination #4 [Booster on top of a Booster] will provide significant and prolonged additional immunity…Fiction. Covid-19 vaccines are generally safe…Fact. Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions are grossly underreported [VAERS]…Fact.

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