Saturday, October 23, 2021

Some information about the woman who was killed by Alec Baldwin yesterday

Don Surber provides some background on the woman who was killed by Alec Baldwin in New Mexico yesterday.
We lost a good person who was just reaching her prime. That saddens me. Hollywood has been working with prop guns for more than a century. This is inexcusable.
Read more here:


  1. Ingrid2:55 PM

    Too horrible, i am suspicious, i mean idk but since She is SO VERY ARRESTINGLY BEAUTIFUL and intelligent also no doubt strong-grounded in herself, the Baldwin brothers are a cult almost and i would hazard a guess that she was professional always, and not gaga about working with him or impressed by him, ... ? guessing that he might have characteristically took great offense/umbrage at this. Psychopaths will do psychopathically cruel things. i could be wrong, it could of course have been truly an accident.

    Forgive me for being doubtful. I have had way too many lessons with psychopaths in my life not to finally have gotten familiar with the level of true evil they host. The truth will be known one fine and scary day. I hope this is soon. Poor lady.

  2. One expert said you never aim at your target, you shoot slightly off target. (Just in Case, even blanks cause issues close range} Alex Balwin is an idiot and should be charged with manslaughter.
