Saturday, October 23, 2021

Many people are commenting on the Alec Baldwin story

Citizen Press has many commenters writing their views about Alec Baldwin today. Below are some samples.
mcd1948 wrote, Had Baldwin not engaged in such reprehensible conduct in the past he just might NOW – MAYBE – be enjoying some support. But, he’s has been so judgmental and hateful towards others over the years that any support he might now get is greatly reduced.
Gravelyvoice Jim wrote, The “conservative” media is rallying around Baldwin as well. I saw Rachael Campos-Duffy on F&F Weekend say this morning that “…it obviously wasn’t Baldwin’s fault…” That’s BULLS#!T. Anyone who handles a firearm is responsible for it’s action. That’s rule #1 in firearm safety. She may as well have said “People don’t kill people, GUNS kill people.” The fact that the ignoramus picked up a firearm, assumed it was safe, pointed it at someone, and pulled the trigger shows how ill prepared these leftist are to handle dangerous tools. It likely was an accident, but ignorance is still no excuse for his negligence. Baldwin as a minimum should be sentenced to 5 years of NRA firearms safe training.
ozoldfart wrote, Baldwin was co producer. There had been issues with safety and non union workers. An unhappy environment ruled by an egotistical ass hat. A single action revolver just doesn’t go off, live ammo or not.
Ed Asaf wrote, Yep. It isnt the fact he shot the gun, its the fact he did nothing when the workers walked off hours earlier because of 3 misfired guns and other safety issues and he ignored it. And he was producing the film, not just starring in it. That is the issue. Jail.
Homecoming Queen wrote, Alec Baldwin is well known for his narcissistic , often violent behaviour toward others & for having no impulse control. Because of his celebrity, he has been allowed to escape responsibility for his actions all his life. Not only is Baldwin the principal actor on this film, he is also the producer. A producer should take extra care that the safety of a film set is the first concern. After all, as producer, your name is associated with the film. When you are handed a gun , it doesn’t matter if you are on a movie set, on a street corner or on a firing range, YOU are responsible for checking the firearm. In this instance, I have no knowledge of what was going through Baldwin’s mind that day, but we do know that Baldwin has a long history of angry, reckless behavior for which he has never been accountable. This is strictly an observation; I’m not saying this particular action was purposeful.
Noxqss77 wrote, Authorities need to stop whitewashing this incident. This was pure NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE. There was NOTHING accidental about this. I hope her husband sues baldwin for everything he’s got.
DunSon wrote, Hey Hollywood Elites: Rule #1: Always treat a gun as if it is loaded Rule #2: Always point your gun down range Rule #3: Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire Rule #4: Never point a gun at someone unless you intend to kill them
PonySoldier wrote, For a split second I felt bad for the guy– but then I became rational again. That self centered prick has used his celebrity to hurt others and promote Marxism for years. He’s a mean, unempathetic jerk.
Edo Tokyo wrote, Alec Baldwin is a hateful person and likely deserves some of the mocking since he is so quick to judge others, but the victims & their families deserve some compassion. Let the investigation move forward and let’s see what happens. Apparently there were some problems on the set which may have led to the accident, whether it was recklessness on Baldwin’s part, neglect by the prop department, or a combination of both.
Pasha wrote, What most people don’t realize is that Alec Baldwin has been an actor for over 40 years and made many films in which he held, and fired, guns. Over that time period he’s had much training and experience in prop guns AND safety. It’s not like this is the first time ever he’s been handed a gun on set and just didn’t know to check it out himself and NOT point it at anyone and pull the trigger. He KNEW all of this. There is NO excuse.
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